Part 29

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"So guys, I don't want to work as a boss supervising you all. We can work together."Mahir said standing in the centre of the office to all the employees.
"So I can see him every time" suhani muttered
"It's his plan to make him fall for me"Bela thought
Suhani:Sir, you can sit near me
Mahir:No, there's not much space. I'll sit near bela. Are you okay with it bela?
He sat near her chair. Bela felt uncomfortable and happy at the same time. Her mind was mixed.
"Bela, ignore him and do your work" she thought trying to concentrate.

A client came to the office for some correction of documents. He approached bela for the correction.
Client:Ma'am, please correct it
Bela:Okay, you just wait
She started collecting information from him but mahir was busy just staring at her.

Soon bela corrected client's documents.
Client:Thank you ma'am. One more thing, someone is staring at you
He said with a naughty smile
Client:Yes ma'am, Mr.Mahir sehgal is plainly staring at you. Both of you'll look cute together
Saying this he went away leaving behind an embarrassed bela. She just stared at mahir and then got busy in her job.

At lunch time bela went to the office cafe to eat food with some of her friends. Bela sat alone in a chair of a  table. She was about to eat, suddenly mahir too came and sat on one chair of that table. Bela thought of changing the table but all other seats were filled.
Mahir:Why are you doing so? I just came here to eat my food not to enjoy your beauty.
He started eating his food. Bela opened her lunch box and saw something was written with cream on her sandwich. It was written "Behir"
Bela:What's this? Behir
"Bela+mahir"Mahir mumbled while eating with an expression as if he don't know anything
Bela:Mahir, why you are doing so?
Mahir:Who said I did it?
Bela:I know it. Mahir how many times I told you let's forget everything but you are behind me.
Mahir:Don't you know while eating you shouldn't speak.
Bela:I don't want....
Before she can complete mahir thrusted sandwich on to her mouth. She was shocked by his sudden act. Somehow she ate that.
Mahir:Haa, good girl.
He went away.

It was evening and bela went to the locker room to take her bag and things. When she opened her locker she saw a box in the locker.
"What's this?" Thinking so she slowly opened it found a chain in it with the locket as behir. For one moment bela got emotional but the next moment she gained her senses and threw it away.
"I don't love you mahir, I don't" she said even though there was none.
But mahir was watching all these secretly hidung behind the walls.
"Bela, why you can't trust me even now! Why! We have been close physically and mentally. We even had made love. But now also you have trust issues. I won't give up so easily! I'll make you fall in love with me." He muttered seeing all these

"Now, I should act as if I love someone else" bela thought sitting at home.

Next day when mahir came to office, he saw bela talking to an employee in the office, Vivek.
"You're so humorous bela" he said
"But you're the best" bela said faking expressions
Vivek:So what's your plan?
Bela:We can go for a date tonight
Vivek:Okay, I'll arrange everything in the restaurant. It's my first date.
Bela:See you there vivek
He went away. Mahir was furious seeing all this. He suddenly came and pinned her to the wall.
"Bela, you said you have insecurities so you don't want to be in a relationship. Then why are you going for a date" mahir said with sharp words
Bela:It's my life, my choices!
Mahir:It's not the time to act. Tell me why are you doing so?
Bela:I don't want to be in love with you. I don't even want to see you. Get lost
Mahir:I won't! Why should I obey you!
Bela:Then leave me
Mahir:No, listen carefully, I won't leave you whatever you do
He moved more close to bela. Both of their face were so close. Bela stood with down casted eyes. He moved his lips towards her ear and whispered, "I love you and I'll make you accept my love. Because I know you love me"
He went away

"Sumitra aunty, why are you acting so?'' Shravani asked to sumitra
Sumitra:I just believed both of you blindly. Komolika and you were cheating me. Bela was right. Now I'm happy as that bloody komo is dead. Thank God!
Shravani:Arey, how can you talk so?
Sumitra:You all planned something without informing me. I didn't wanted to kill bela but you tried to kill her. If  she died and police got to know, then I'll also be guilty. So get lost!

"Bhai, I strongly believe Bela di is acting" Yuvi said to mahir
Mahir:But why
Yuvi:I'll tell you, di fears that she can't be in a true relation. She's acting as if she loves someone else. So you won't go behind her. But believe me, Bela di loves you more than anything. Make her understand that she can be in a relation and there's love which is different than what she saw between her mom and dad.
Andy:Yuvi is right. You should make her understand.
Mahir:I tried a lot of ways. But it didn't worked. Now what should I do?
Yuvi:I have an idea
Yuvi:Di should witness a true love so she will gain faith in love. Someone should come here for that.
Yuvi:Shivanya and Ritik!

As most of you guys selected rivanya they are the one who is going to enter this story as 2nd couple.

I started writing a new behir ff "Twisted love" please read that too and support me...
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