Part 14

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Mahir was mentally down after the incident. He booked a flight to go back to India that evening and till that time he rested on his hotel room. Thoughts were waving inside his head like a storm. Even after trying he can't sleep. It was almost 8am. He received a phone call. Mahir was bathing so obviously he wasn't able to attend the call. When he came back he saw a missed call in his phone from an unknown number. He called back that number.
"Hello" mahir said politely
"Hello, I know I hurted you badly. Sorry mahir. Sorry mahir... I'm bela... I can imagine the pain you went through. But please forgive me" The person on the other side said
"Bela??? " mahir stood shocked
"I'm in your doorstep. Please open the door" she said
Mahir opened the door and found bela standing there. At once she hugged him.

After some minutes they backoffed.
Bela:Mahir, I did so because my mom sarika said me to don't marry you nor love you. I acted like that but I can't live without you. I'm sorry mahir....
Mahir:Why your mom hates me?
Bela:She wanted me to marry someone else. But now I can't obey her. I can't sacrifice the love of my life. I can't be blind towards your honest and true love.
Even though bela was with him mahir wasn't that happy nor he can't believe what was going on.
"There's some problem which I can't figure out" he thought
That day both bela and mahir came back to india. As mahir informed every thing to yuvi and others too all were happy for mahir except mahir. Bela went to her home.

"Why I'm feeling so! There's some problem! What could be that?  I feel so confused. " he thought

Sumitra knocked on mahir's door. He went and opened it.
Sumitra:You bela loves each other now bela is saying she wants marriage as soon as possible.
Mahir:Marriage now!!!
Sumitra:Her mother is forcing her to be married to someone. That's why. I thought why don't we conduct the marriage of ruhi, vikrant and yours together.
If it was like earlier then mahir would have accepted but now he was in a confused state. He didn't wanted marriage with bela. He felt no love to her now. Her behavior has changed a lot. But now he can't refuse so he accepted it.


"I want this blue dress" bela said to ruhi.
Bela, ruhi, yuvi, vikrant and rehaan were choosing dress for wedding and sangeet party. Mahir wasn't interested in all these.
"Arey it's 80k" rehaan said seeing the price of that dress.
"So what? " bela said arrogantly.
Soon they selected that dress and ruhi too took a dress. That day evening was the sangeet party.

In ruhi's room

Ruhi was getting ready. Suddenly vikrant entered her room. Then backhugged her.
Ruhi:Vikrant, someone will see
Vikrant:Tomorrow we are going to get married.
Ruhi:It's tomorrow na, now go

Soon ruhi too came to the party area. After some minutes bela too came with mahir.
Rehaan:Play music
Yuvi:First of all a romantic music for all thoses couples
"Soch na sake" was played.
Bela danced with mahir while ruhi danced with vikrant. Mahir wasn't comfortable dancing with her. The lyrics of the song made him recall his moments with bela.
"Why I'm feeling so? Why Now I feel no love to bela? " mahir thought
Soon the song ended. Then the song ''Twist kamariya" and some other songs were played. Everyone enjoyed the party while mahir was lost in some thoughts.
He went to his room and took his phone. Then he started seeing photos of them (bela's and mahir's).
Mahir:That bela isn't this bela. Now she changed a lot. A change I can't tolerate nor accept. But Now I have no choice. Like that he slept with a photo of his and bela's in his chest.

At midnight after the party bela came to his room and saw mahir was sleeping with the photo. She came near him and looked at that photo angrily and went away.

Mahir was woke up by sumitra.
Sumitra:Get up beta. Today is your wedding day and your sleeping like a baby. Get up, get up!
He got up, took a bath and came back to the room to see all those wedding garments for him in the room. He wore all those.
Yuvi:So mahir bhai, today you are going to get married to your love. Are you happy?
Yuvi:What happened bhai? Not so happy
As it was the time for wedding both came downstairs where the mandap was decorated. Mahir sat with bela while ruhi sat with vikrant.

Ruhi and vikrant were extremely happy and they were muttering something while yuvi was continuously teasing them. Mahir sat with a blank face.
"Mahir, today we are going to be united forever" bela said leaning towards him.
"Yess" mahir said acting as if he's happy
Pandit:Yes, it's the muhurat time.
Behir and ruhi - vikrant exchanged garlands, took the 7 promises. First if all vikrant tied mangalsutra on ruhi's neck. Next it was mahir, when he was going to do suddenly somebody screamed "Stop!!!"

Hey guys, I thought of putting the story in hold. But now I changed my decision as I got some story ideas. Hope you loved this part...

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