Part 23

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Many nowadays are bored of the story as it doesn't have behir moments since few parts. One more thing, all these tracks are necessary for the story. In this part behir is going to be reunited. Don't hesitate to vote please...

Someone ringed the door bell of sehgal house. Andy went and opened it.
"Maa, you came. Why you didn't said earlier?" Andy asked to her
An old lady was standing in front of him. She seems to be someone from a rich house. Wearing heavy ornaments and a silk sari she stood smiling upon him.
"Why I should inform you, when I'm coming to my home" She said adjusting her spectacles.
Then she slightly pushed him and got inside the home.
"Mahir, mahir where are you?" She yelled
Hearing this sound mahir came. On seeing her, he came and hugged her tightly.

Mahir:Dadi, do you know how much I missed you
Dadi:But you didn't atleast informed me of your wedding it's... no..t..tha..t
Dadi:Hey don't stammer. Call your wife. I want to know if your selection is good
Mahir called komolika. She came down

"Who's this lady? Any beggar" She asked arrogantlyDadi:No, your momKomolika:How dare you to call my momDadi:How dare you to call me beggar"Komolika it's my dadi" Mahir muttered on to her ears

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"Who's this lady? Any beggar" She asked arrogantly
Dadi:No, your mom
Komolika:How dare you to call my mom
Dadi:How dare you to call me beggar
"Komolika it's my dadi" Mahir muttered on to her ears.
Komo:Oops, sorry
Dadi went away and sat in a room.

After sometime she felt like her heart is aching. She started wriggling in pain. Because of pain she wasn't even able to call anyone. Taking long gasp of air she extended her hand to take water from the table. But she fell upon the bed. Bela saw this and she came near her
"Who's this?" She thought
Bela:Dadi, dadi, don't be anxious. I'll give you water
She took the water and gave it to her. She drank it. Bela massaged dadi's chest. After a couple of minutes she was okay.
Bela:Are you okay now?
Dadi:Yes beta, what's your name
Bela:Bela sharma
Dadi:I'm Andy's mom. Are you living
Bela:Ye.. s...
Dadi caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.
They talked for about an hour where Bela told everything to dadi and they became really close.

Dadi:I know the pain of separation. But why Mahir did so? We should find it out.
Bela:Maybe he cheated me
Dadi pinched her ear and said, "I know mahir since his childhood. He won't do so. There's some reason behind it which we should find out"
Bela:Now I have no hope left
Dadi:But I have

"Tell me, mahir" Dadi said to Mahir
Mahir:Dadi, I haven't cheated Bela. It's because of some problems. I'll tell you
He told her somethings
Dadi:Okay, that's your problem. I'll solve it. I know the way. Don't fear Komolika. You romance with your sweetheart Bela.
Mahir blushed.

Bela was in her room arranging her cupboard. Suddenly she felt someone backhugging her. She turned and saw it was Mahir.

Bela's look

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Bela's look

Bela:Why you are here?
Mahir:Why can't I be here!
Bela stood puzzled. He wrapped his hands around her waist.
Bela:Leave me or otherwise your wife will get angry
Mahir:Who said she's my wife?
Bela:Then Is she my wife
Bela turned. Mahir backhugged her not allowing her to move and rested his chin on her shoulder.
Bela:Move away
Mahir:No way
Bela:Do you have multiple personality disorder. In one moment you act as if you hate me and in the next you are hugging me. Stop all this drama, now it's unbearable. You are a cheater. Why you locked the door and entered the room without my permission.
Mahir who was fed up with all those talks suddenly grabbed bela's lips with his. They kissed. Even Bela responded to the kiss. It was a kiss full of love and lust. Mahir's hands were roaming all around Bela's body while Bela's hands were roaming in his hair. After some minutes Bela pushed him away.

Mahir:What happened?
Bela:Why you forcefully kissed me?
Mahir:Then why you responded?
Mahir again grabbed her and caressed her cheeks and neck.
"I know you love me." He said huskily
Bela:No way
Mahir pinched her belly.
Bela:What are you doing? Aah, why you pinched me
Mahir:Because you said you don't love me
Bela:Then what should I say
He ran his hands through her cheeks.
Mahir:I know you have a lot of questions in your mind. I'll tell you why I married Komolika
Bela:Then tell me
Mahir:For that you should do something
Mahir winked at her with a naughty smile.

He again pulled her and both kissed.

"Bela, your mom is alive! She's not dead" Mahir said atlast
Mahir:What I'm saying is true. She tried to suicide 20 years ago. But she wasn't dead. Shravani's dad that is your father somehow got her. She was in their custody. Then Now she's with komolika. If I didn't marry you then she might kill your mom
Mahir:Dadi instructed me to play a drama. Now onwards I should act as if I love komolika winning her trust. Then she'll surely tell where your mom is. We can secretly go there and rescue her.
Bela:It's a good idea but why you didn't told me earlier.
Mahir:I wanted to tell everything. But I was afraid if they attack your mom.
Bela:I didn't remember seeing my mom clearly. I saw her last when I was hardly 5 year. She loved me so much. Now she's alive. We will bring her back. So shravani, komolika and sarika are a team
Mahir:My mom too
Bela:Why she hates me this much?
Mahir:I don't know

Both hugged.
Mahir:Bela wait. I'll come
He went away and came back with his phone. He showed Bela, her mother's photo. Bela cried seeing it
Bela:Now we will together destroy Komolika and Shravani.
Mahir:Shravani is doing all these for property
Bela:But why, I don't want anything.

Mahir took bela in his arms.
Mahir:Leave all that. It's been weeks since we spent time together. Whatever happens we will be together forever.
Bela suddenly jumped on to mahir's lap.
Mahir held her by enlocking his arms around her.
Bela:But you made me depressed.
She pinched his cheeks.
Mahir:I'll change your depression by love
Bela:Oh really! But no thanks
She again pinched his nose
Bela:You look so cute.
Mahir:Tomorrow is my first night with komolika
Bela:What???  What you said
Mahir:Arey, I was just joking
She punched his stomach making his yell.

Mahir:I'm sorry Komolika for hurting you. Now I realised your love. I love you komolika.
Komo hugging mahir.
Bela seeing it secretly and bursting into laughter.
"Now the clever komolika will be trapped" bela thought

Bela:We should know the place where Mom is trapped
Mahir:We will find it out

Target:90+ votes

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