Part 9

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Somehow mahir escaped from yuvi, now he wanted to calm down bela. But she wasn't answering his phone calls nor messages. He decided to go to her home.

"Who are you? " Asked polomi seeing mahir on their doorstep.
Mahir:I'm mahir sehgal. Your neighbour.
Then polomi recalled that bela went with him that night and everything.
Polomi:Ohhh, you are that. I know you. Now why you came here?
Mahir:Aunty, I came to see bela. Is she here?
Polomi:Ouch you are little late. She went for work.
He went away sadly.

Ruhi saw all these. She wenr to mahir.
Ruhi:Mahir why you went to see bela?
Now mahir knew ruhi only can help him. So he told her everything. Hearing all these ruhi laughed uncontrollably.
Mahir:Tell me some idea. Stop your laughter.
Ruhi:Okay, okay so you go to her at night. It's so funny. Oh don't get angry. I have an idea. Bela loves ice cream and biriyani a lot. At night you get inside her room. I'll divert bela's attention from there. You decorate that room. Then I'll bring bela there.
Mahir:It's a good idea. But what will happen if her aunty or mom see it. Especially I think her aunty is not so good.
Ruhi:I'll manage all those things. Don't worry and don't call bela till all those. Just for a surprise.

"Bela why you are so sad? " her coworker asked seeing her so sad
Bela:Oh nothing
After leaving from office she came home.
Sarika:Bela, buy the things from this list from the grocery shop
She went and bought everything and gave it to sarika. During all these times bela's mind was wandering somewhere. She was so sad.

At night to execute the plan, ruhi called bela from her room to outside at midnight.
Bela:What you want to talk?  We can talk in the room.
Ruhi:Your garden is so beautiful that's why I want to talk you from here.
Like this ruhi diverted her attention while mahir decorated her room. Her mom and aunty already slept so there was no problem.
"Bela, now I'll make you talk to me. You're a stubborn girl but I know how to make you talk to me" mahir thought while decorating the room.
Soon he decorated the room and as a signal gave a missed call to ruhi's phone.
Ruhi:Oh bela, now you go to your room. We can talk later
Bela:Why are you acting unusual? Kya hua!
She laughed and ran away. Bela stood there puzzled for a moment and then went to her room.

When she opened her room, she slipped, mahir tried to catch her but both lost their balance and fell down. Mahir on top of bela.
''You, here!" Bela asked angrily
Mahir:Haa, I'm here, in your room.
Bela:Yesterday you went with whom
Mahir:Don't be angry bela, first of all listen to me.
But bela was not in the mood to listen. Her anger towards mahir was rising.
There were still lying in that position down in the floor.
Bela:I won't listen to you
Bela's voice was rising
Mahir:Arey bela, speak softly otherwise your mom will hear.
Bela:She may hear it not hear.  
Bela somehow got up from the floor.
Now bela started speaking in a high voice. Mahir was hell scared because others may hear this voice. A panicked mahir suddenly grabbed her close to him and smashed his lips with him. They ended up in kissing. Bela too responded to the kiss. After about 20 minutes mahir came to his senses. He backoffed suddenly. Then only bela came to the reality and she was startled.

"Ac...tuall...y....I'm.... I just tried to stop your speaking. That's why" Mahir stammered.
Both were really embarrassed. They tried to avoid eye contact and a ln awkard silence spread there.
Mahir:Bela, Yesterday I was busy in my works. When I came home it was almost 2am. That's why I didn't called you thinking you have slept. My phone was with yuvi. Sorry
Bela:Factually I should say sorry. It's my fault. I overreacted to you. Sorry. One more thing, did you said yuvi that I'm the one who called you
Mahir came to the back of bela and rested him face on her shoulder, backhugging her. Initially bela was shocked by this, soon she got comfortable in that as she was always comfortable with mahir, even during that accidental kiss.

"Today as an apology, I have arranged all these for you. Did you loved it? " mahir asked softly in her ears.
The whole room was lavishly decorated with lamps. The table had flower petals upon it. Delicious, spicy biriyani and bela's favourite strawberry flavoured ice cream was placed there.
Mahir:Loved it or not
Bela:I want to taste and then will tell you
Mahir:Ok majesty, one more thing, I'll take you to the table.
He took her in his arms and made her sit in the chair. During that bela stared him without even blinking her eye.

But her attention got diverted seeing the food. She ate it greedily. Soon both of them finished eating.

"Who told you these are my favorite food? " bela asked curiously to mahir
Bela:So you told her all the things
Bela was again angry. Mahir understanding the danger tried to ran away, but bela was behind him in full speed trying to catch him.
Bela:If I catch you then....
Atlast both fell on the bed. Bela was on top of him. She was wearing a dotted dress which was full of laces. While running it got untied and the top went away from her body. Now there was another sleevless top underneath. Bela felt embarrassed.

Mahir:I'll help you

Bgm: Darasal (movie-Raabta)

He made her wear the top. He tucked all her hair to one side.Then started tying the laces. When he touched her she felt a current passing through her.He sat on his knees and tied the dress. Bela felt a different sensation. Even though mahir try to concentrate only on his job he too was having a different feeling. Soon he completed it. After some more time he went away.

"He's a gentle man" I haven't seen such a man. Why I feel so comfortable and different when I'm with him now. I haven't kissed anyone entire life. When he kissed me, I felt happiness rather than anger"Bela thought

"Why I feel different when I'm with her. I haven't kissed a girl in my entire life. Now for kissing her I don't feel any guilty. There's something so special in her" mahir thought.

He came to his room humming some song. To his shock, yuvi was standing there in the room staring at him.
Yuvi:Okay, where were you
Mahir: I.... was...busy in work
Yuvi:How can you mend such amazing lies. Who's lipstick mark is there on your cheeks?
Mahir:Act..tuall...y...a..girll.....fell.. her lipstick go accidentally rubbed to me.
Yuvi:I'll find everything soon

"You will marry each other in future" a hand palm reader said to behir.
Behir shocked.

"Am I falling for bela" mahir thought
"Am I falling for mahir" bela thought

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