Part 11

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Before starting the story, I want to convey something very important. Hope you'll read and understand. If you carefully observe my story you'll understand, It's getting low votes. My behir ff "When we meet'' has got votes more than this story's. I asked for suggestions from many of my friends and did many things according to their suggestion but they haven't made any change.

We shouldn't write stories for votes, that's true but votes too matter. That's the truth. From this I understood one thing that maybe you are not liking this story. According to the response of this story only I'll post next part. If the votes are low then I'll put this story on hold. About 100+ read my story's each part but votes are low. If you love this story vote for it other than just reading. I'm very sad and stressed due to this fact.


Mahir came towards bela more close pinning bela to wall. Bela started sweating, thinking what he was about to do. He suddenly took hold of both of her hands. Bela tried to speak but she wasn't able to. Her heart started beating more fastly. He leaned forward to her ears and said, "Why are you staring at me? "
Bela was left answerless. He grabbed her by her waist. Then took the earrings and wore it in her ears and kissed her ears too shocking bela.

"I'm tired hiding my feelings bela. Now I can't. I love you bela. I love you.... '' he said with great effort

"Bela, bela!!" Mahir snapped in front of bela waking her from her day dream.
"Arey daydreamer, look at the earrings mom have bought for you" he said showing her the earrings.

"Oh god, what happened to me? I started dreaming with open eyes now. Am I mad?" Bela thought.

Mahir:Again are you dreaming?
Bela:Oh no, It's good. Awesome
Mahir:I'll make you wear this.
Mahir went to back of bela. Then placed the earrings in her earlobes. Both felt something strange which they didn't confessed to each other.


"Am I in love? Yes I'm in love, I'm in love" bela said to herself looking at the mirror.

"From the moment I saw you to each moment I see you I'm just admiring you. How can I not love you! You're having the purest form of soul. That day when I suffered from a problem in my dress you helped me without any evil thoughts or aims. I haven't seen you insulting any girl." She said to herself

"Arey bhai, it's love! You may not know it because you haven't fallen in love before. But I'm experienced in it. You're in love. You want to talk to her in each moment. You want to be with you each moment. It's love'' Yuvi said to mahir

Mahir:No, it's not that
Yuvi:You are trying to convince whom? Understand. You're saying this for the hundredth time. I can't tolerate it now
He went away from mahir's room.

"Am I in love? As yuvi said, I think I'm in love. Yesss, I'm in love..." mahir jumped from his bed.

Mahir phoned bela but she didn't took it. Then he went to her home. There her mom said she went somewhere. Mahir started badly missing bela.
Mahir:Ya it's love

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