Part 19

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Mahir was angry, hell angry to Bela. He went from there angrily. Bela ran towards Mahir. To attract his attention Bela suddenly jumped to him climbing on to his body, her legs enlocked around his stomach.
"You see me as a disturbance, isn't " Mahir asked sadly.
"Oh you are a cutie pie" she pinched his cheek
Now also she was in the previous position, legs enlocked around him.
"Oh really'' he asked with wide eyes
"Hmm" she replied
Mahir suddenly pulled bela towards them, smashing both of their lips together.

"Now it's the time for my return" Someone said to Shravani over phone.
"Yes di, you should come. I can't manage everything alone" Shravani said.


"A new employee!" Vikrant said to a staff in the office
"Yes sir, she'll join the office next week." Staff said
"Who's that?" Vikrant thought

Mahir was watching Television while Bela was going here and there. Suddenly Mahir took hold of her hands and pulled her towards him. She sat on his lap.
Mahir:Arey 2 more days are left for our living together. So we should enjoy
Bela:Then you enjoy
Mahir:I'll get mad if I talk to you. Can we go somewhere?
Mahir:What if for a movie?
Both went to the theatre. Behind Bela's and Mahir's seat some guys were sitting all were of the age of that of Mahir.

Behir were in the 2nd last rows while those guys were in the last row. Mahir decided to be a little naughty. He leaned towards bela and kissed her cheeks who was busy in watching movie. Bela starred Mahir and again started watching. Now Mahir was not in the mood to leave. He started pulling her hair. Bela angrily turned towards him angrily and slapped his chest.

Mahir pinched her thighs. Then he started caressing her cheeks and forehead. Bela sat enjoying all his affection.

He was running his hands through her neck. Bela muttered Mahir to stop, but he didn't. Now he was rubbing her back part of leg. Bela felt a little uncomfortable by this and she turned towards Mahir to say to stop. But here Mahir was sitting idle enjoying movie, eating popcorn

"Hey, what the hell? Then who's touching me." She was tensed
She turned back slightly and saw the gang of boys sitting at the back of them where poking her, touching her thighs and Bela mistakenly thought it to be Mahir. She starred at them angrily. They stopped. Bela didn't told it to Mahir as if he gets to know about this then he may become hell angry. Bela heard the laughs of those boys telling some sexist comments. Bela tried to ignore them and enjoy movie but she was tensed thinking again if they do so.

Soon it was interval.
"Bela, I'm going to buy coffee. Do you want? " Mahir asked her without knowing anything
"Nothing, you go" she was sweating
Mahir:Bela you are sweating.
He rubbed his handkerchief on her face wiping off her sweat.
"What happened? "
Bela:Nothing you go, I'm just sleepy
He went to buy the food to the food hut. Even after the movie started he didn't came. Those boys again started telling some lewd comments and touching her back. Bela starred at them but they didn't stopped. Now they putted hands inside her top. Bela got angry and tensed due to this as it crossed all the limits.

She suddenly twisted their hands making them yell. She stood from there. People started noticing the issue. The boys were 4 in number. She slapped the one who irritated her tightly. An old lady beside her inquired her about the issue.
"This guys are irritating me" she said
Boy 1: What she's telling is fake.
Bela:Idiot stop it
She went out of the theatre and stood in one corner outside waiting for Mahir. These guys too came there without Bela's knowledge.

One of them suddenly backhugged her making her jerk.
"Leave me or You'll know who I'm" Bela said with a trembling voice
Boy 2: But your voice is trembling
Boy 3: Are you a super women?  Come with us. There's a forest nearby show us what all you can do there.
They started pulling her there.
Bela suddenly kicked on of them hardly in his belly. A guy came and held her hand. She twisted his hands. Two guys came and grabbed her from vack making it unable for her to move. Bela kicked them with both of her legs by spreading them wide. Now one among them came with a dagger.

She fearlessly grabbed his hands due to the sudden motion the dagger fell out from his hands. At this moment Mahir came. Actually he was busy in a phone call. He was dumbstruck seeing Bela's stunt.
"Bela, you're a wonder woman" he said
Bela:Don't waste time speaking. Call police.
Soon police arrived and arrested the culprits. All media heard about this news too.

Behir went home.
"Mahir, you're always busy in your calls and don't care about me" Bela was angry
"It's not that. An important and shocking call it was." Mahir tried to convince bela
Mahir:Bela, first of all hear me. A new staff has came to our office. You know na uncle manages all the business related matters and by some interview or so she got selected and will join next week.
Bela:So what? Many employees will come and go that's why it's an office
Mahir:Bela I have a doubt regarding her. Komolila!!!
Bela:Mahir what the hell are you speaking!
Mahir:Bela it's a doubt. Don't get tensed.

He pulled her towards him.
Mahir:Now you're in the limelight. "GIRL DEFEATED ALL THE GOONS". Arey waa...
Bela:I'm a heroin. Now come and be envious of me
Mahir:Oh really
Mahir leaned towards her and tucked her hair to one side. Then he caressed her hair.

"She's appointed as the Chief of our block." An employee said
"Maybe she's very strict. I'm anxious" another one said
"And hot too"
Suddenly a car entered the compound of the office. The driver got out and opened the door. A girl came out from the car wearing an overworked lehenga type dress. Then she started curling her hair with her finger.
Bgm: Komolika bgm

Then slowly came towards the employee. Then snapped at him.
"Yaa, I'm hot, hot like a fire. Don't dare to get burnt. Maybe that won't cure forever." She said with attitude

"What's her name? " one asked
"Komolika" another one said

Target:85+ votes or 90+ votes you tell I'm confused


"I'm Komolika. Chief of A section and the wife of Mahir sehgal." Komolika said after calling all the workers who were shocked

Bela in Mahir's arms in the office.
Mahir:She may tell whatever, it's utter crap. She can't separate us
Bela:Yess Mahir

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