Part 7

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"Bela, where are you going in this early morning? Come and eat something " sarika said seeing bela going to somewhere.
Bela:Mom today there's puja in ruhi's house. I'm going there. They may need my help. I'll eat from there.
Then she went.
"What's going in with her? For the past few days she's acting as if she's another girl. All her charm has gone. She seems to be sad about something. About what she's lamenting about?" Sarika muttered seeing bela's condition.
Same goes with mahir also. He's also acting as if he's out of the world. Both were sad but they didn't knew why they were sad about.

Bela reached mahir's house. There ruhi was standung out of the house, talking to someone on phone. Seeing bela she stopped her phone conversation and cutted the call. She hugged bela. Then after some casual talk ruhi went to her room to get ready for puja. She shut the door tight. Then started crying.

"Vikrant, vikrant I can understand, how you're feeling now. Byt now I have no option other than to obey mom. If I didn't obey her then she may kill me. I don't love mahir. I only love you. You're my life, heart and soul. I can't think of loving anyone else other than you. " she said while crying.
She sat on the floor.

Ruhi's pov

Why god is this much cruel. I don't love mahir. I love only vikrant. Within 2 week I'll get married to mahir. God, please do something. The only mistake I have done is, I became the daughter of my mom. She's the cruelest lady I have ever seen. She can kill anyone for money. She is not even thinking of my happiness.

Suddenly mom got inside the room.
"Why are you moaning? Has someone died? " she asked me angrily.
"Mom, mo.. m.... I can't marry him. I'll do anything you tell. But I can't forget vikrant" I begged before her.
"You will do anything I tell. Then marry mahir. It's not my request, it's my order. Who's vikrant? A jewellery staff. At a maximum he may earn 10k. But who's mahir? He owns about 5 jewelleries and talking about his business companies, a day won't be enough. He earns 10k per second." She was being economical.
"But mom, money alone can't provide happiness " I tried to make her understand
"Can happiness buy you a car or a bungalow? " she asked with great expression. Then she cupped my face and said, "If you don't do as I said, then your vikrant will go to heaven. I don't just speak. I do as I said."
Pov ends

Soon ruhi got ready in a lehenga. The puja was conducted to seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha.
Sumitra:Ruhi beta, I'm happy as you are going to marry my mahir. Now do arti for lord Ganesha. Pray to remove every obstacles from your life.
She took the arti and did as sumitra said.
"Sumitra aunty, told me to pray for having a good life with mahir. But I'm not praying for it. I'm praying for this wedding to get cancelled. Please make me unite with vikrant." She prayed.
Andy:Now mahir and ruhi do arti together. It symobolises that both of you are ready to get married.
Mahir was also not feeling good. He looked for bela and saw her standing in a corner of the house thinking about something.

When ruhi and mahir was about to do arti, some screamed, "Stop"
All looked around and saw a young man standing there. He seem to be drunken.
Yuvi:Who's it?
All others didn't knew who he was. But puja and ruhi knew it.
"Vikrant.." ruhi muttered.
Puja:Don't show any familiarity towards him. Act as if you don't know him.
Ruhi:Mom but...
Puja stared at her which made her close her mouth.

Yuvi:Who are you
"You may don't know me, but she knows me. Ruhi......" vikrant was      drunken and was out of control.

Ruhi pretended to not know him.
Sumitra:Do you know him ruhi?
Puja:Arey di, how can she know such drunken bastards. I have seen him. He's a local goon like person. Such people will come and try to spoil functions happening somewhere.
Vikrant:Oh puja aunty, so your daughter used to go out with me and even slept with me. So she sleeps with local goons na,
Puja:How dare you to talk like this!
Vikrant:Ask this to your daughter.
Yuvi:Whoever are you, get out from here at once.
Vikrant:I won't
Yuvraj called securities and they came and took him out.
Ruhi can't control her tears seeing vikrant on such a condition. She went inside her room.
"She may be sad hearing such gossips that's why" puja lied to everyone.

During this time bela went to washroom and accidentally mahir too went to washroom. There was a washbasin and make room beside washroom. Bela was standing there adujusting her makeup and dress and suddenly mahir too came there.
Mahir:Bela, you were there!
Mahir:I have been observing you for the past few days, what happened? Why are you sad?
Bela:Don't know why, I'm feeling so depressed. I think you are also like this.
To bela's surprise, mahir hugged her suddenly.
Mahir:Actually I needed someone to tell all my sorrows. (While hugging her)
Then he backoffed.
Mahir:I don't want this marriage to happen. I don't want.
"I also don't want this marriage to happen. I was initially happy for my friend. But now for an unknown reason I don't want this marriage to happen" bela thought
Mahir:What are you thinking?
Mahir:Now I know, I can't do anything. But....
Suddenly yuvi came there.
Yuvi:Bhai, the marriage is cancelled.
Yuvi:She loves another guy

Bela:Ruhi, there's something called true love. For your love you should even sacrifice your life.
Ruhi:But mom told me...
Bela:Obeying you parents is okay but marrying someone for money is the nastiest thing one can do.

Andy:No more discussion. Marriage will be there. But groom will be Vikrant. The one who loves should unite.

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