Part 15

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Some one screamed stop!!!! The mangalsutra from mahir's hand fell on the fire in front of them. Ruhi and vikrant got up from the mandpap in shock. There bela was standing in front of them!!!

To check who's sitting then as the bride, puja lifted the veil from the bride. And that too was bela.
Mahir:What the hell?
"She's a doppelganger. I'm bela. Mahir can't you believe me." Girl sitting beside mahir said
Andy:Then who are you (pointing towards the girl who came now)
She took a card and showed it to andy amd sumitra. They shockingly received it from her.
Andy:This is orginal bela. Girl sitting as bride is Shravani
Mahir:What???'s... not true
"Will the Identity card lie like you? " original bela said
Shravani:You made a fake one
Bela:I understood the whole thing. Mom told me the whole story.
Shravani:She's not even your mom
Bela:But I loved her as if she was my mom. That's why I addressed her like this. Now that's not our topic. If I call police then you'll be arrested for faking identity.

Shravani tried to run away byt suddenly mahir grabbed her hand.
"Tell me the whole truth. Why you faked as bela? " he was hell angry
"I'm sorry" she pleaded before him
Mahir:Yuvi call the police
Yuvi:Ya, that's what we should do as she did things that affects our reputation.
Shravani:Actually I'm Bela's twin sister. As bela was not to be seen sarika ma told me to act as if I'm her so that You all won't be sad.

Bela:I know it's not the truth. But now I don't want to create a scene nor make you get arrested as you are my twin sister.
Shravani went from there to bela's home. Ruhi and vikrant went to complete other rituals. Sumitra asked bela about the truth but she didn't tild anyone the truth. Mahir was angry as bela wasn't saying the truth. He angrily took bela in his arms as bela wasn't coming with him and took her a corner of room. Then pinned her to the wall and said, "Tell me the truth"

Bela:Are you trying to frighten me!!! Why I should say the truth you were to marry that shravani
Mahir:How can I know that it wasn't you
Bela:If you love anyone sincerely then you will understand
Mahir:I had a doubt about that but as the wedding got fixed I couldn't tell it to anyone.
Bela:So you didn't loved me
Mahir:It's not tha--- one minute, what you said ''you didn't love me" which means you love me
Bela:N---o it--s n--not
Mahir grabbed brla by her waist. As she was wearing a kurta which had an opening in belly, he was touching her bare belly. Then he bent his face forward. Both of thier's nose touched with each others.

When he was about to kiss her, she pulled him away.
Bela:Don't try to distract me. I won't talk means I won't talk to you ever.
Mahir:Atleast tell me one thing, where were you this much days. Tell me
Bela:I even don't know where I was. I went to office that day and on that evening I drank a tea from a nearby shop. I felt like I'm spinning, then I opened my eyes yesterday night. I was in the store room of the office.
Mahir:So you didn't atleast tried to find out what happened to you!
Bela:Now that's not the matter, why you don't love me. Tell me
Mahir:Who said I don't love you, I love you yaar. For you I even went to Paris.
Bela:Going to paris, haha but you can't even recognise who's the original bela. What a joke! Now onwards I won't talk to you.

Then she went from there. Mahir explained the whole incidents to others including sumitra and andy.

"But bela, she's your sister!" Sarika said to bela
"So what, she tried to grab my love from me. Can you justify it? " bela was not in the mood to give up
Sarika:Beta, where she can go now?  Please allow her to stay here
Bela:She can go to her boss, who gave her this plan to destroy my life. If I haven't reached in time then she might have got marrried to mahir.
Sarika:Please bela
Bela:Otherwise you won't pleade towards me like this. You always order me na. You and your bluddy sister polomi. Now onwards don't try to indulge in my life. Atleast understand the fact that I'm not your daughter
Then she went inside her room. Shravani came to sarika with a smirk.
Shravani:Don't worry, I'm staying here with you and we will plot plans together, to destroy her.
Sarika:Leave that, how's your dad?  Is her well?
Shravani:Oh ya, soon he is going to give all his property to me. It's all because of her, our madam.
Sarika: Ya, she helped us. One thing What about bela? Will your father give her something?
Both laughed in an evil manner.

As behir were not in good terms with each, that night mahir didn't came to see bela through balcony.

"Vikrant leave me, arey" ruhi said to vikrant who was grabbing her close to him.
Ruhi:It's morning, now atleast leave me.
Vikrant:No way
Suddebly someone knocked on the door, it was bela.
Bela:Hello ruhi, how was yesterday night (in a teasing tone)
Ruhi stared bela while vikrant blushed.
Ruhi:Bela, one thing today mahir is going to Pune, for some job related activity
Bela:It's none of my business!!!
Vikrant:Bela, leave it. Mahir was sad since the wedding was announced maybe he felt it wasn't you.
Bela:That can't justify him.
Then bela went out. Suddenly her phone ringed. It was her friend aditi.

"Hello" aditi said
Bela:Oh hey, how are you doing?
Aditi:I'm fine and one more thing bela please come to Pune. It's my birthday and the birthday party is organised there.
Bela:Oh sure

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