Part 5

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"It's amazing to be friends within one night. It takes a lot of time for me to become friends with someone. Look how I became friend with you" mahir said while driving
Bela:It applies to me also. I'm a person who takes almost 1 month to become really good friend with a person. But look how fastly I became friend with you. It seems as if we have some past life connection.
Mahir:Ya,,, bela which dress you prefer to wear mostly
Bela:Jeans and t shirts. They are my favorite. Are you doing my interview?
Soon they reached home.

"Where did you went bela, all this night? " asked bela's mom Sarika
Bela:Mom, mahir asked to go out with me. So I went.
Sarika:Who's mahir
Bela:Our neighbour
"So, going out with neighbour all these night" a lady said. It's polomi
Bela:He's my friend. That's why
Polomi:I haven't heard you uttering his name till now
Bela:We became friends today
Polomi:Going out with someone whom you have met today. Sarika tomorrow she may elope with someone and say that he's my boyfriend.
Bela:Aunty, can you please stop it.
Polomi:Who are you to stop me?
Sarika:Both of you please stop.
Bela went inside the house murmering something, got inside her room.and shut the door tightly.

"I can't understand the mentality of such people. If a girl goes out with a boy does it means she's bad" she murmured while changing dress. After changing dress, she came and took the food. While eating again polomi came and started irritating bela.
Polomi:I thought you ate with him. Tomorrow will you go out with someone
Now bela lost all her control. She threw the plate which broke into hundreds of pieces. Polomi got scared seeing it.
Bela:I'll go out with whoever I likes. It's none of your business. You have a daughter na, go and tame her not me. I have been tolerating all these for a while. Now you crossed all the limits. Why I should obey you? I'm 26 years old and grown up. I have a job also. So you do your works. I'll go out or in with anyone I like.
Sarika came from somewhere hearing all these sounds.

"What's going on here? Who broke this plate" sarika asked seeing all these

"Di, bela broke this plate in anger and she said a lot against anst me. I only asked who he was and she said that my daughter is bad who spents night with others.... " polomi started shedding crocodile tears

Bela:Arey, when I said your daughter goes with others. How perfectly you can lie!
Sarika:Bela, why you broke this plate
Bela:Mom, I have been tolerating your sister for years now I can't. She's hell annoying. If she wants to criticise someone go and tell to her daughter, not me!

She went to her room and found the message of mahir in her phone.

Chatting of behir

Mahir:Have you ate food
Bela:No, I quarelled with mom and aunty so I didn't ate food. But hungry
Mahir:Ooh, one minute

After some time

Mahir:Bela please open your window faced towards the balcony.
Mahir:Do as I said

She opened the window and saw mahir hanging in the window. He climbed on to her room
Bela:Arey mahir, when I came with you, then enough problems occured here. Now if someone get to know you're here with me. Then they will kill me.
Mahir:That's why I came through window. None gets to know about me. You're hungry na, I bought food for you.
Bela:Food for me!!!
Mahir:Ya eat it. Who all here in your house?
Bela:Mom, mom's sister, dad and aunty's daughter. Now dad is not here, he's abroad for some business purpose.
Mahir:Okaay, now eat the food.
Bela:I'll come after washing my hands
Mahir:No need, I'll feed you
Mahir took the food and placed it on bela's mouth. She was amazed by his adorable act. By staring at his eyes she chewed the food. Like that she ate the food. Bela unknowingly slept on mahir's shoulders. Both were sitting on floor. Mahir slept leaning to wall while she slept leaning onto his shoulders.

When the sunrays fell on bela's body she woke up and found that she was leaning on to him. He was deeply in sleep then. For a moment she sat there adoring his cute face. Then she came to her senses. She slapped mahir on his chest waking him up
"Arey, who? Where? " mahir was shocked
Then he came to his senses.
Mahir:So we slept like that. Oh I should go now, otherwise someone may come and catch us together.
He climbed through the window and went away.

"Bhai, I came to your room last night and you weren't there. Tell me the truth where did you went" Yuvi asked mahir
Mahir:I was maybe in the washroom
Yuvi:I came to the washroom and checked you weren't there
Mahir:Ooo, now I remember I got a phone call related to an important business matter and talking I went to balcony.
Yuvi:But your phone was with me yesterday. I saw it in your room. So I took it.
Yuvi:If you don't know how to lie then don't try to lie. But one thing, you look cute when you lie. Tell me who's that girl
Mahir:Which girl?
Yuvi:Mmm, I understood everything. You have a gf na

"Mahir, If you aren't busy, please come with me" ruhi said to mahir interrupting the conversation of mahir and yuvi
Mahir:Ya, I'm free
Yuvi:Is thus your gf?
Yuvi went away
Ruhi:Mahir, Can you spare some time for me
Mahir:Ya sure
Ruhi and mahir went to a resort. She took him to a room. The room had a romantic set up.

Ruhi:I don't know how you'll react. But I'm opening up my mind. I love you mahir!


Ruhi:Do you love me?
Mahir:Yes, I love you ruhi

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