Part 26

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Bela hugged amrita tightly while amrita too hugged her even though she was struggling a bit as her hands were tied to the rope. Bela was trembling with happiness and wonder. She felt the warmth of mother's love after decades. She wanted sit like that hugging her forever but time won't allow. Amrita was equally happy as bela. She felt like now her life has got a meaning. Both were teary eyed.

Suddenly someone coughed from behind.
"If your love showing is over, then can I start my work" komolika said with dramatic expression
Komo:Now I'll send your mother to heaven.
Bela:That will exist as a dream only
Komo:Really, arey come
Some goons came forward with a gun.
Komo:Move from here or they will shoot your mom.

"What should I do now? I want to save my mom at any cost" bela thought
She moved 3 feets helplessly
Komo:Good girl
Bela:Komolika, don't harm my mom. If you have any grudge to me then kill me. But don't attack my mom
She said while crying
Amrita:No, it's not that, don't harm my bela.
Komo:Don't give me instructions I know what to do. I'll kill your mom in front of you. She will die in front of you
Bela came towards komo and sat on her knees.
"I'll do whatever. Please don't kill my mom. She lived as if she was in a jail for the past 2 decades. Now atleast she should live happily. I know you hate me. Then kill me or I'll do whatever you want!" Bela pleaded before her
"If you can do anything for me then can you forget mahir!" Komo asked with full attitude
"" bela said with hesitation after thinking for a while.
Komo:No you won't, because you can't even though he don't love you anymore.
Bela:No, komolika, please...
She cried badly while komolika stared her with a smirk.

Komolika:I wanted to see this tears flowing from your eyes for grabbing my love from me. Now I got him back but I won't forgive you nor your mother. Bela, you are a cursed girl. Your father abandoned you, your mother is now gonna die because of you. Your half sister, shravani hates you more than anything. Go and die instead of mumbling like this.

Bela didn't had a reply. She didn't knew what to do. When she looked far, she saw mahir coming. She wanted to go and hug him but she didn't did it then all their plans will fail. She continued crying. Komolika dragged bela by her cloth.
"Now see, your mom's painful death"
Mahir was running to reach there to stop them. A man named Raj had the gun with him.

Komo:Raj, shoot!!!
Bela knew now she could do nothing. She closed her eyes in terror. Amrita sat with no emotions. Raj shot the gun! After hearing the gun sound Bela opened her eyes. Beside her mahir was there. Her mom was okay, none had fired at her. Bela looked beside and saw komo being bullet shot. She was wriggling in pain. Atlast being unable to stand, she fell down. Both bela and mahir were shocked.

"What's going on here? Why he shoot komolika? " bela thought
Same thoughts were running in the mind of mahir.
"Why..yo..u..." komolika asked while wriggling in pain
Raj went near komolika and stepped on her.
Raj:Because of you. For money I joined with you. But the things you used to do to others were disgusting. This aunty, amrita, she showed me what mother's love is. Now you don't deserve to be here, in this earth.
He dragged her to the backyard. Bela stood shocked while mahir went and cutted off the rope. Amrita came to bela and hugged her.

Amrita:Raj was an orphan. For money he became a goon. Komolika asked him to be here so that I won't run away. I made him understand what's the love of a mother.
Mahir:I can't believe all these
Bela:Anything can be changed with mother's love.
Raj came back.
Mahir:I'm thanking you for all these. If you don't mind you can stay with us in our house.
Raj:No sir, I'm going to Amritsar. I found love of my life and got a job too. It's the train time. Bye I'm going
He took aashirvaad from amrita and hugged her.

''I won't forget you ever, you made me understand what is love! Now I know the love of a mother." He hurriedly said and went away

"I had a doubt on komolika. How heartless creature she's!" Andy said
Amrita:Past is past. Now I'm hapoy as I'm with my daughter
Andy:Amrita bela is living here, you too can live here.
Amrita:No andy, we are going to house. It's bela's property. We can see everyday as we are neighbours.
Andy:As you wish
Sumitra came with a glass of water. She was not so happy yet she tried to act happy.
They continued their chitchatts.

We can leave that and check what's behir doing

Behir were in bela's room. Bela was checking her phone while mahir backhugged her caressing her hair.
Bela:Mahir, what are you doing? Someone might see!
He went and closed the door
Mahir:Now you are okay na,
Bela slapped his chest. He grabbed her to him and kissed her cheeks.
Mahir:Can we marry?
Mahir:You said na we will marry when you get back your mom.
Bela:But it's so fast na
Mahir:No bela, we both are 28. Now how can it be fast.
Bela:I'm confused. Marriage is a big step. Now also we don't know each other completely
Mahir felt sad and went away to a corner of the room. Sensing it bela went and backhugged him.

"Mahir, please we can think about it  after 1 year" she said with a cute pout
Mahir:1 year I can't wait that much. No change will be there even when we are married. Then why can't us! I'll talk to your mom and arrange every thing
Bela:Mahir, I'm not ready
Mahir:For what
Bela:We should be more mature when are marrying
Mahir:You are telling some lame reasons.
He went away angrily

I know guys I have been updating this story after days. Sorry for that. I was busy that's why I became late. Hope you'll understand. Show your love here❤️

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