Part 4

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Bela and mahir were took to andy and sumitra by komolika.
Sumitra:Who's she mahir?
Mahir:Mom, it's bela. Our neighbour
Komo:So he's spending night with his neighbour.
Andy:What's going on here?
Mahir:Actually she came to my room by mistake.
Komo:"By mistake? "
Bela:I'll tell, aunty I was searching my earrings. And accidentally came to his room.
Komo:What was you doing in his room?
Bela:I fell on him
Komo:Searching for earrings why closing the door and hugging him.
Mahir:Komo, she fell on me and we wrre trapped.
Andy:Stop your blabbering and tell me the truth
Bela: We were trapped... tha... t's....wh... y
Sumitra:Stop this nonsense!!!!

Mahir:It's my mistake. I called bela to my room. I'm responsible for the whole incidence.
He said with courage.
Sumitra:But why
Komo:There was romantic arrangement in the room. What does it means?
Mahir:I loved her. So I tried to propose her but she rejected it. She accidentally fell on me. It's my mistake. Bela tried to save me.
Bela:Ma.. hir.... it's
Komo:Enough. How many gfs do you want at a time? Are you a play boy? You're jist like you family. Uncivilized, cultureless fellows. You're like this because maybe your mom was also like this.
Mahir got uncontrollably angry and slapped komolika. All got shocked.
Mahir:You can talk about me. But if you dare to talk bad about my family members then I don't even hesitate to kill you.
Komo:Mahir, how dare you to slap me?
Mahir:Since the past 3 years I'm walking behind you as if I'm your dog. Now I can't. Your dad is rich. He black mailed me that if I don't obey him then he'll do something against my studies and carrier. That's why I obeyed you. Now I don't want to. I don't love you and I hadn't loved you.
Komo:You're a cheater. You used me physically and now you're throwinf me away.
Mahir:When I used your body. Tell me. You always forced me to kiss you but I haven't even hugged you. I'm not telling to get out of this house as it's dark. But don't come to me
Komolika went upstairs.

Andy and sumitra also went somewhere.
Bela:Why you lied mahir?
Mahir:Both of us haven't done anything wrong. Mom shouldn't think anything bad about you.
Bela:But now she's thinking bad about you. Moreover your relationship with komolika have been damaged.
Mahir:I haven't loved her till now. What I said is true. Her father blackmailed me to be with her. I just hated her. I wanted burst out and now I have done it. Feels so relaxed.

Bela:Oh really
Mahir:Can we go for a night drive?
Bela:Night drive! Then all will kill us.
Mahir:No, come yaar.
Behir got into the car. Then they went for a ride. Mahir played a music. Bela enjoyed it a lot
Bela:Mahir, till now I haven't gone for a night drive nor I have enjoyed like this.
Mahir: I have went for many drievs but all those were not these enjoyable.
Bela screamed with joy with mahir.
Bela:Have you went out with komolika
Mahir:Oh ya, One I will never forget I'll tell you that incident

During my college days in london,most of the days komolika forcefully to some public areas without my interest. Like that one day, she took me to a restaurant. She ordered food and soon we started eating food. It almost became midnight when we were about to go.
"Mahir, it's midnight. There's hotel attached to restaurant. Can we stay here tonight? " she asked
I thought her intention was good, that's why I agreed. She went to book rooms. I thought she will order 2 rooms. But she ordered one room. Whe  I asked she lyed thag there was only one room vacant. I agreed and we went to room. Once we reached the room.she closed the door and grabbed me close to her.

"Arey, what are you doing? I'm tired I want to sleep." I said pulling her away.
"You can sleep everynight but we can't spend nights together like this together" she replied.
Then she opened the buttons if my coat and threw it away. Soon she started throwing away ger dress. I said her to stop. She grabbed me close to her to kiss her. I pulled her away and went away from there.

Bela:So she's so dangerous.
Mahir:Yaa, I really hate her. She thinks she's something because of her dad's wealth. Always she tries to insult others. You remember that textile incident.
Bela:Break up with her.
Mahir took his phone and texted komolika that we can break up. Seeing this message komolika got mad and didn't replied.

Bela:I'm hungry
Mahir:There's a shop beside. We can eat from there.
He stopped car near a small street shop.
Bela:I want panipuri
They ate panipuri. They got in the car and continued the journey. Soon they passed through a rural area. It was dark everywhere. Mahir stopped the car.
Mahir:Bela we can sit in car for some minutes just speaking if you don't mind
Bela:No problem!
While bela was trying to take something, her finger touched mahir's fingers. Her chain got locked to his shirt button. Mahir slowly leaned forward and bit her chain and separated the chain and button. They had an awkard eye lock again.

If you want any particular track in this story, comment it. Hope you loved it.

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