Part 27

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"So bela di isn't interested in marriage" yuvi said to mahir
Mahir:Yeh yuvi. Earlier she said when all these komolika problem ends then we can marry. But now she's asking one year for marriage
Yuvi:So what, you can wait
Mahir:I have no problem in waiting for her. If needed I'll wait 100 years. That's not the matter.
Yuvi:Then what?
Mahir:Now bela is acting so strange. She tries to be not around me. If I go near her she'll go away. I'm tensed seeing all these
Yuvi:Which means, you can't romance her!
Yuvi started laughing
Mahir:Yuvi it's not a joke. I'm telling seriously. She's acting as if she's not interested in this relationship
Yuvi:What should I do
Mahir:You should find a solution
Yuvi:You have doubt whether she loves you or not. Okay, if she doesn't wants to be around you then we can irritate her
Yuvi:Yes bhai, I'll tell you

Bela is cleaning her room. She's using a duster to clean the web on the ceiling. Mahir suddenly went and tickled her from back. She turned back wriggling and laughing.
He threw away the duster from her hand and took her in his arms.

Bgm:Behir tune

Mahir:Oh madam, are you cleaning the room
Bela:Yes mahir sir. If you don't mind can you please let me stand on my foot
Mahir:Not now
He made her sit in a table. Then mahir locked his hands around her hugging her. A dust particle was hanging on her hair. Mahir leaned to take that dust and slowly took it in a romantic manner. When his face was so close to her face she pulled him away and went away. Mahir grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him.
Mahir:Why are you doing so bela? Why are you ignoring me?
Bela:I'm not ignoring. I'm just busy
Mahir:Till now you weren't busy but suddenly you are busy. Bela it's been only 1 year since we met. But I feel like we know each other since years. That's love. I can understand each and every change of yours. Why you are acting so? It's hurting.
Bela:I know why are you behind me!You just want to be married and get settled. But as I said I'm not at all interested. That's why you are angry to me now
Mahir:I'm ready to wait for you, for even 100 years. But tell me the reason for that.
Bela: I already said you na, I'm not ready mentally. We should be more mature

"Few days ago you were mature for wedding but now all of a sudden you aren't. Stop lying bela!" Mahir shouted
"Who said I'm lying! What's I'm saying is the truth. If you can't believe then don't believe" She said with equal force

Mahir:Tell me the reason!
Bela:Why should I? Who you are for me?
Mahir became hell angry hearing it. He pinned bela to the wall. Bela was shocked, speechless and dumbstruck with the anger she saw in her eyes which she hasn't seen before.

"Tell me bela why" he forcefully held her hands hurting her
Bela:Mahir it's hurting
Mahir:You are hurting me like this. I feel like throns are pricking my heart.
Tell me please bela. Otherwise I'll suffocate in pain
Bela:I said na, there's no reason
She pushed him away. Mahir angrily threw a glass from the table breaking it into pieces. Bela saw that stood there hearing the sound. He took a glass piece and pierced it in his hands. A tear dropped from her eyes.

Bela ran to him and threw the glass piece away.
Bela:What are you doing?
Mahir:What you are doing?
Bela:Mahir, please understand my situation
Mahir:Tell me what is the situation
She was about to go away. Suddenly mahir said, ''If you go away without replying then tomorrow you'll see my dead body"
Bela:Mah.. ir..
She hugged him and started crying
Mahir:Tell me babe, then only I can understand. We always promised each other that we'll accompany each other in difficulties and now you are breaking it
Bela:I'll.. te.. ll.. yo..u
Mahir:First drink water.

He made her sit on the bed. Mahir sat beside her and gave her a glass of water. She drank it. Mahir wiped off her tears.
Mahir:Now tell me
After a deep sigh she said, "Mahir, I'm having insecurities."
Bela:Yes mahir, I don't believe in love anymore. My mom and dad were the first couples I saw. And how was their relation. He cheated mom. Somehow I fell in love with you unknowingly but I'm feeling insecure. I don't want to be committed
Mahir:Bela I love you, I love you more than anything. I can't live without you
Bela:Yes, but I cant, can't believe you. Because you saw your mom and dad living happily. But think about my situation. My mom loved my dad sincerely but he cheated her and left to death.
"I can understand" mahir said after few minutes
Bela:Till I feel secure I don't want to so intimate to you

"Bela is feeling insecure. I should change her. I should prove my honesty to her. None can blame her because what she saw, she took it as an example of love. I should prove myself. I should not force her. It's my mistake. Now feeling a faith towards me she should come to me"

Bela and her mom went to their home beside sehgal's home. Next day morning she woke up and looked towards the window. In the side of window, a small letter was there. She unfolded it.

Good morning Sweetie
Have a great day ahead

Yours sweetheart

Bela:Is this mahir mad?
She got ready to go office and on going there she knew something shocking. Sehgals bought that company!

Promo:Behir romance in office

Previous part I said I'll post it after 95+ votes. But its hardly getting 90+ votes. Don't know if you don't love this story. Tell me if you don't love the story so that I will be able end it within 2 or 3 parts. Your response is decreasung day by day. You may ignore this but I can't ignore it. Tell me if you love this story or not!!!

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