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Lynx considered herself calm and somewhat friendly. In all honesty she couldn't hold a grudge as long as the many dragons in her tribe could. That was until she decided to volunteer at sanctuary sometimes she couldn't help but get just a bit green eyed. His beautiful eyes completely focused on a girl that wasn't her, and sure even she could admit that the girl was cute but the only thing that was going through Lynxes mind was 'pay attention to me' . And she whined it like a 7 month old. Winter had an excited smile as though He had just found everything he had been hoping for. Lynx tried hard not to glare at him and the girl too much as she weaved baskets from tree leaves. Although she must have been caught by quite a few dragons hearing the faint laughter from some and others that sent a glance her way. Winter never noticed and that just increased her annoyance, after maybe an hour of Winter doing nothing but looking at the girl she stood up so fast that her talons could be heard causing her to turn a little blue. But she walked towards winter "I'm kind of hungry" she said "then go hunt" he answered she silently looked down to her talons as it dawned on him "you don't know how?" Lynx shook her head. "I'll teach you then" he said looking up from the girl. "Give me a moment first" she said calmly to him. when he walked out she smiled triumphantly and poked the adorable scavenger with a talon "not even something as cute as you will take my only friend." "you coming?"she heard him call "in a second" she called back. "I win" Lynx smiled to the likely confused scavenger she then walked after the other Icewing with a smile.

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