💀The Fakest Jetrin👤

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*At Lucid's House*

After the show at C.E, Win immediately decided to visit his grandpa.

He's now changes to a formal attire. A white polo and a black slacks.

When he reached his grandpa's house, he was greeted by a crying Gulf and his grandpa hugging him..

He furrowed his brows in confusion before he walk to them.

"I saw it with my own two eyes grandpa" Gulf said while crying.

"It's okay. You're just being over dramatic." Lucid replied.

"No! I really saw it!" Gulf said

"What the fvck did you saw P'?!" Win interrupted them, making both of their heads whipped at him.

"Win?!" They both exclaimed in surprise

"The one and only!" He said badass-ly.

"What are you doing here?" Gulf said and wiped his cheeks stained with his tears..

"You. What are you doing here too?" He asked back. Lucid rolled his eyes and sighed at the two.

"I asked first!" Gulf shouted and stood up.

"Doesn't matter who asks first. It's all the same though" Win said and sat beside his grandpa, to the left side.

"Why are you crying P'?" He asked.

Gulf looked at him like he remembered something and then

"Wwaaahhhh!!!" He cried loudly making Lucid flinch and Win to cover his ears.

"The fvck!" Win whispered but enough for his grandpa to hear it.

"Why are you also here Win?" Lucid asked making Win sighed before he spoke.

"I need advice and words of wisdom from you grandpa"

"Honestly, I'm very grateful that you always come to me when you have problems but, you also need to know that you have parents to talked to and seek for any advice and support." Lucid said

"Grandpa, we don't want to stress mama and make this hard for her. She already had enough hard times" Gulf spoke.

"We want her to enjoy his life without stressing herself because of her children's problems." Win added and Lucid just sighed.

"Gulf, tell me what did you saw. Because honestly, I really don't know what you're talking about. You just came here and cried" Lucid said.

"I.... saw..... Mew.. At the pharmacy, with his friend Lhong. I was about to go shopping when I saw them together, laughing at each other, that's why I followed them... Until they entered the pharmacy... And..... Mew bought.... condom and lubes..... they even helped each other picking different flavors. After that, they walked to the street side and waited for a taxi, at first I thought, Mew just accompanied his friend to buy that but when the taxi comes....they both entered it and I don't know what's next! And I'm sure they are having a good time right now!" Gulf said and cried again.

Win just looked at him in pity while Lucid sighed helplessly.

"Don't over think too much. Maybe the street where Lhong lives is the street where you and Mew live too.." He said.

"Really?" Gulf asked.

"Mayb--" before Lucid can finished his word. Gulf hugged him tightly before he stood up.

"Thank you grandpa. I'll talk to him now. Bye! Bye!" Gulf said and ran out of the room, not giving both Win and his grandpa time to form their words and replied.

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