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"I you want me to let you go, then kill me!! Kill Me first before you can get out from my grip!! You can't get rid of me unless you can kill me! Kill me now Win! I rather die than to see you with someone else!" Bright said loudly and Win sighed slightly irritated..

Win began to shake and more tears ran down on his cheeks.

"P'. P-Please let me g-go!!" He shouted making Bright looked at him with sadness..

It is painful to Win seeing Bright looking at him like that, pleading for him not to leave him and his eyes were now puff and red because of crying but that's not what he wanted to care right now..

"N-No Win.  Please!! N-No please!!" Bright said and cried even more.

And Win got enough of that right at that point.

"What the fvck Bright! Fvcking damn let me go! Or it might explode now!!!!" Win shouted loudly while his eyes kept producing tears due to unknown reason...

Bright seemed shocked at that moment and Win took that chance to ran away from his grip and to the door.. He looked at Bright who looke d at him horrified and scared that if Win open that door, his life will drastically change after that..

Win looked at him one last time before he immediately opened the door and enter the bathroom...

Bright was about to shout and call Win again and cried loudly when he noticed where Win entered.. Tears that started to blur his eyes a while ago seemed vanished immediately the first time he realized where Win just entered and minutes after, toilet flushing can be heard all around the very silent room...

Win opened the door and sighed in relief before he hold his stomach and his face was showing that he bacame weak after he entered the bathroom..

He breathed for a couple of time before he looked at Bright whose still kneeling at the floor, with his still stained cheeks because of his tears and snots.. His eyes puffed and red and his lips quivering.. His throat sore and his face saying he's tired and embarrassed.

Win narrowed his eyes on Bright before he ragely walked on him and hold both Bright's arms to stand him up...

When Win successfully did it.. He breathed hardly before he bursted out all his irritations..

"What the fvck did you just did P'?!"

"What the hell are you thinking?!" Win said and looked at Bright before he chuckled in irritation.

"S-Sorry. I-I thought you will ask me to let you g-go." Bright said lowly but able for Win to hear it clear...

"Exactly! I told you to let me go but then you didn't even obliged and cried all your fears and secrets out!" Win said and Bright looked at him horrified again.

Win seemed to get what kind of 'let go' Bright meant so he smacked the back of Bright's head and narrowed his eyes on him..

"I only told you to let me go because, I am fvcking going to release shit but then you began freaking out like a sick and childish little kid there! I told you to let me go because you're fvcking hugging me tight and I want to release the shit really hard cause it's very damn uncomfortable forcing myself not to release that!" Win said at the matter of factly before he sighed and sat in the bed side again, with Bright still standing in front of him looking down aat the floor like he just committed something wrong and his parents found out...

"S-sorry. I t-thought you will leave me.." Bright spoke and glanced at Win shortly and then back to the floor and to Win simultaneously..

"The fvck! I have enough of that fvcking leaving matter! I'm not leaving ever! I want to be with you! You heard me? With you! Why are you thinking that I will leave you when in fact, I already leave and Noe where together again in one house! Do you think I will leave you again after you did something to me?!" Win blurted out and Bright felt warm on his chest but knitted his eyebrows at Win's last words.

In Love with My Boyfriend [ILwMB BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now