👤Demon's Obsession👤

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White ceiling, beeping sounds from a machine on his side and a smell of antiseptics and alcohols, was what greeted Win when he woke up.

Emotionless, blank and cold eyes was what his face says. And the eerie silence of the goddamn room was making him annoyed with no reasons. He slowly whipped his head on the side and saw the door. No one is there with him and that makes him feel more annoyed than ever.

Seconds later, his emotionless cold face changed in instant as tears began to flow on his cheeks and he badly wanted to sob, but he can't force to let out a sound even a whimper caused him too much energy. His dry throat was making it worse and he can't move his body.

He began to think as to why he's there and what happened to him and it took for a few minutes for him to gather his thoughts and remembered the events that happened to him.

Tears continuously flows on the side of his eyes to his ears as he silently cried but was interrupted when the door of his room creaked open and he slowly turned his head on the side.

There, he found his grandpa, Lucid looking at him surprised when he saw his grandson finally awake after how many weeks.

"W-Win. Y-You're already awake!!" Lucid exclaimed before he called the nurse and the doctor followed by Win's other family members including Day who's very depressed when he saw Win's state few weeks back then, and still loathing at Bright and Pam, well not just them but the whole family. Even Victoria and Light was disappointed again at their dumbass son, as what Victoria called him.

When the doctor came and checked him, they were thankful that everything is good. Metawin, was doing good and his leg, ankle and arm is the only thing that left to be healed.

The whole family thank the doctor before they got near Win, and the first thing Lucid did was get Win an ice chip and put it on Win's mouth so he can aid his very dry throat.

After minutes of Win, adjusting his self to be comfortable and gaining his voice back, he spoke.

"W-What happened." Win asked, more like a statement. It's the first thing he said as soon as he got his voice back even though it came out hoarse. The emotionless face was visible again in his face.

"You got into an accident Win." Lucid answered and Win suddenly closed his eyes, seems like fighting his inner self. And soon after, he looked up at them, now eyes filled with emotion, pain, sadness, confusion.

Tue whole family looked at Win's demeanor curiously while Mil who's standing at the back narrowed his eyes on Win.

"Something's off." He thought but he can't figure out what is it.

"Sun, you're okay?" Day asked, worried that Win is feeling pain again but Win nodded and tears began to soak his cheeks.

Everyone began to freak out, except Mil who's still looking at Win like he knew something is happening to Win.

"S-Sun. Hey little bro, calm down." Gulf comforted him but Win cried more.

"P'-P'. Where's my P'?!" Win shouted and everyone stopped and looked at him before Victoria sighed.

"Win. Don't think about that man anymore please. You should rest and focus on healing yourself." Victoria tried to console Win but the latter shook his head vigorously, not minding the pain from some of his cemented body parts.

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