Chapter Three: Gabriella's POV

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I was starting to feel like a creep just staring but I couldn't help it. I've been sitting there for god knows how long just staring at her. Listening to her talk and laugh was the most infuriating thing ever because it was so captivating. She made eye contact with everyone she was interacting with and so I decided to not participate and remember how mesmerized I was by her eyes when she first opened the door. My phone vibrated in my hand and I realized class was over as the students were packing up. I looked up and watched as she sat down and pulled out her phone. She had the biggest most amazing smile on her face and I decided to stop being a coward and just try.

"Yes Gabriella?" she said and I almost melted at how seducing her voice sounded when she said my name. You're definitely going crazy I thought to myself after I left the room. She had looked at me straight in my eyes and maybe it was just me but I swear it felt as if someone was sucking all the air out of the room. I noticed she had placed her phone down and the shiny ring on her finger caught my eyes. What a lucky bastard I thought bringing my attention back to her smiling face. She was absolutely beautiful. Long dark curly hair, full pink lips, and those cheekbones. God help me. Her eyes were the craziest things I've ever seen, the way they pulled you in when she looked at you, her pupils slightly dilated, eyes almond shaped. Keep it together Gabby. I smiled remembering how I had asked her not to use my full name. I didn't have an issue with it. To be honest the issue wasn't my name, it was how good it sounded coming from her, so I lied.

"Hey Gabby!" I looked up and saw Stephanie walking towards me, and I practically ran to her.

"Best Friend!! I said hugging her, we were so busy packing and moving in that I haven't seen her since we moved on Campus.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked watching her practically hop down the hallway.

"Girl have you seen the fine arts this school has to offer?" she asked looking at me, she must've seen the confused look in my face while I looked around seeing if I missed some paintings on the wall.

"No silly, I'm referring to their fine like wine men they got roaming the halls. I've never been surrounded by so many attractive people, even the girls." she said and I laughed. She had a good point. I've yet to spot an ugly girl since I've been here.

"You act like you've never been around attractive people period." I said opening the door and walking out the building. The quad was full of students. Some were walking just like us while others were sitting on the grass, eating, some were playing Frisbee and I smiled. Yeah this was definitely better than staying home.

"I haven't." She replied to my previous statement, I gently pushed her.

"Are you blind or something? You've had me in your life for years and I know I'm as attractive as it gets." I said laughing which caused her to giggle and looked at me.

"Here we go again with your cockiness I swear."

"What? Are we saying you don't find me attractive" I asked walking into the Music & Arts building. She was quiet for a few seconds and when I was about to ask what's on her mind, she stopped and looked at me.

"You aight I guess." She said laughing before she ran down the hall. I shook my head and walked into my next class still thinking of Mrs. Garcia.

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