Chapter 35

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Gabby's POV:

I was making my way back to my dorm when Justin stopped me outside my door. I rolled my eyes at him and opened the door going inside, I slammed the door in his face and 2 minutes later he was knocking. I got up and opened it.


"Can I talk to you about something? Please?" I let him in and waited for him to talk.

"Did I do something?" he asked looking at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked again. "To Stephanie. She's been ignoring me and I don't know why."

"Do I look like Stephanie?" I asked, rolling my eyes and his dumbass answered. "No"

"So why are you asking me? Go talk to her."

"I've been trying but she won't talk to me and she's not answering her phone." he looked like he's about to start crying. I told him to talk to her before asking him to leave my room. I left my door unlocked and left my keys on my desk since Stephanie was going to stop by and grab them later. She made plans with the girl from the bar and I was shocked but didn't say anything. I was making my way to the parking lot to get a ride home with Reagan. She texted me earlier and told me she missed me and honestly I was missing her too, a lot more than I thought I would. When I got near her car Jennifer ran up to me and stopped me.

"Hey Gabby, I can give you a ride home." she said smiling at me. I could feel Reagan staring at the back of my head.

"Oh it's okay. You know I have a car right?" I laughed.

"Well yeah but I know you share it with your friend and this is the second time I think I've seen you get a ride from Professor Garcia. I know it's probably weird riding home with a teacher" she laughed nervously. "So you know, I can get you home today if you'd prefer." I looked at her and studied her. If I said no and went would Reagan she might get suspicious and that's the last thing I needed right now. I told her to wait for me and I walked to Reagan's car.

"What's going on?" she asked looking back at Jennifer. I sighed and explained

"She thinks you're giving me a ride home cause I have to share a car..."

"Okay?" she said not getting it.

"She's offering to take me home. I don't want her getting suspicious if I say no." I said she rolled her eyes and pouted.

"I wanna go home with you. I haven't seen you in two days and I miss you." she kept pouting.

"Tell me what to do and I'll do it." she thought about it and as much as she hated it she told me to go with Jennifer. The plan was for Jennifer to drop me off at a coffee shop and then Reagan would come get me from there. But when we got there, Jennifer stepped out and followed me inside. When I asked what she was doing she said "I don't want you to worry about walking home, I can just chill with you and then take you home." she said with determination in her voice.

"Jennifer, that's not necessary. I can walk home myself. Thank you for the ride though." I said. She looked like I hurt her feelings before she left. Half an hour later Reagan picked me up and we went home. She spent the whole ride complaining.

"I can't stand her. She wants to fuck you that's what her problem is and I'm this close to losing my patience with her." she said slamming the car door and walking inside. I stayed quiet and followed her inside. Kenna wasn't home yet so we had some time to just talk. When we got in the room she undressed and kissed me.

"I thought you wanted to talk?" I asked.

"It can wait. I want you right now." she said and I looked at her.

"Babe you said it was serious..." she got frustrated and sat on the bed.

"I just want a quickie babe you haven't touched me in mad long." she begged and I smiled.

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