Chapter 44

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Gabby's POV

"You did what?" Kenna yelled, staring at me and Reagan cuddled up on the couch.

"I quit." Reagan said unbothered. Kenna looked at us before pulling up a chair and sitting down in front of us.

""You didn't say that in your text. Now what?" kenna asked and Reagan smiled at her.

"Now I relax and we start shopping and getting the baby's room ready, and I start relaxing." she smiled at me, and I returned it before looking at Kenna.

"I'm really happy for you. I definitely didn't see that coming, but I support it, we're almost done with February so the end of the school is right around the corner." she said smiling at us.

"Did you record the conversation with Jason?" she asked, and I looked at Reagan.

"Yeah. he's such a dick I can't believe you actually slept with him." she said with a disgusted look on her face, and I looked at Kenna with my mouth open.

"Long story." she said and Reagan looked at me.

"He's been trying to blackmail me into sleeping with him. Said he'd look the other way about my relationship with you if I went out with him." she explained, and I kept looking at them. This entire time he knew and I had no idea.

"It's all here. He was pissed when I walked out so whatever he's going to hit me with is going to be huge." she said, handing her phone to Kenna.

"Oh I know. Trust me I'm ready for it. Have I ever lost a case?" Kenna smiled and got up and went to her office leaving me and Reagan alone.

"I don't want you to end up regretting this." I say looking at her.

"My only regret is not doing it sooner." she said burying her face in my neck. I was so confused when she was telling the class that she would be leaving, but I had a headache and with all the yelling Jennifer was doing I had to wait until it was quiet to try and talk to her. I wasn't expecting her to quit her job at all, but I was glad she did. Not only because we can be together publicly now but mainly because it made me feel so valued and wanted. Remembering my conversation with her at the beginning of the school year when she told me how the school specifically asked for her and remembering how happy she was just talking about her job, I knew this was a big sacrifice for her. When I told her to leave on the same day, I wasn't expecting her to do it. I was expecting her to give me an excuse as to why she had to wait for the week to end, but when she grabbed my hand and pulled me out my heart melted. For the first time in this relationship I believed her. She was putting me first and sacrificing something she loves in order to be with me, and it made me feel special. I was worried that she would regret it but she kept reassuring me that this is what she wanted and she actually looked relieved and happier than I've ever seen her.

"Hey stop stressing." her voice said quietly in my ear and when I looked at her I saw she was already looking at me with so much admiration and love, and I smiled.

"I'm not stressed." I answered "just thinking about you and us."

"Good thoughts?" she asked and I pecked her lips.

"Great thoughts." I whispered before closing my eyes. I stayed there and hummed to her until she fell asleep before I went in the kitchen to grab something to eat.

When I got in the kitchen I saw Kenna sitting there eating a bag of chips. I opened my mouth to say something when she held up her middle finger.

"Shut up. It is your fault. You ruined my eating habits." she said shoving more chips in her mouth and I laughed.

"So..." she said, chewing loudly.

"When is your best friend coming back?" she asked not looking at me, and I stood there staring at her.

"Hm, this is the third time you've asked me about I missing something? Aren't you straight?"

"I'm just curious Gabby, it's not that deep." she said, still avoiding my gaze. I pulled up a chair and sat right in front of her.

"Do you have a crush on my best friend?" I questioned and noticed her blushing. I started laughing and sat back.

"This should be really interesting." I said at the fact that both her and Stephanie claimed they were straight and yet they both kept asking me about each other for the whole week.

"So, when is she coming back?" she asked again.

"I don't know. Text her and find out." I said grabbing a bag of chips and sitting back next to her.

"Fine." I watched as she grabbed her phone confidently and opened up Stephanie's contact. She sat there for a few minutes and then looked at me.

"Is this okay?" she asked, showing me her phone. I looked at the hey on the screen and pressed sent. She sat up and placed the bag on the counter.

"Omg are you crazy? You weren't supposed to send it!" She screamed trying to grab her phone from me as it vibrated and we both froze.

"What did she say?" she asked and I showed Stephanie's response.

"What do I say?" she asked sitting back down looking at the screen. I laughed and gave her the phone.

"Well she said hey and asked what you're doing so tell her. My work here is done." I clapped my hand and walked in the living room. I gently lifted up Reagan's sleeping body and walked upstairs to your room. I laid her down and climbed on the bed behind her and wrapped my arms around her belly. She snuggled into me and I drifted to sleep to the smell of her hair.

So sorry for the late update, but I hope you guys are loving this story so far. Please vote and comment, I'd like to know what you guys think about the characters. who's your favorite?

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