Chapter Four: Reagan's POV

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"Why do you always gotta piss me off when I'm trying to have a good day? Huh? Is this fun for you?" I stood there stiff as a rock not saying anything. It's never a good idea to interrupt when he's like this.

"Do you know how long and difficult today was for me?!" He asked louder, slowly making his way to me. I was still stuck against the door afraid to say anything.

"Don't you hear me talking to you?" and I tried, I really wanted to say something, anything but I was frozen into place.

"Answer me damn!!? The sound his knuckles made when they hit the door startled me. I was expecting to smell the liquor from his breath this close to my face but there was nothing. The bastard wasn't even drunk.

"I'm sorry." I said hoping he'd back off. But he didn't. When he gets like this he never backs off.

"And what the hell am I supposed to do with your sorry?" he asked, glaring at me and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Baby, why don't I make you something to eat?" I offered quietly.

"Oh so you're just not going to address what I said? I try so hard to be good to you but it's never enough is it? You always want more, you always find a way to piss me off. I specifically told you to burn this shit and yet here it was in your closet." he said and I mentally kicked myself. Of course he went through my shit. I rolled my eyes and pushed him back so I could walk in the kitchen. If this is the road he wanted to go down again, I was going to need a drink or two.

"Reagan I'm talking to you." He said following me into the kitchen.

"Why were you going through my shit Robert?" I asked as I poured myself a drink.

"I told you I wanted all his shit gone. I told you I can't have them in here and you lied to me. You told me everything was gone." He said waiting for me to answer, but I couldn't. We've had this conversation so many times I was getting fed up with it.

"Reagan look at me when I'm talking to you." I kept my eyes on the clock hanging on the wall. This was going to be a long day. I closed my eyes and took a shaky deep breath to remember the most painful day in my life.

3 years ago


"I am so so sorry for your lost ma'am we did everything we could" oh god I couldn't breath, I couldn't breath, I couldn't breath. I ran past the nurse and tried to get in the hospital room.

"Oh god please don't, not my baby please God I'll do anything." I cried as the guard held me back.

"I'm sorry you can't go in yet." he said calmly. But I couldn't hear anything past the pain I felt in my entire body. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. I fell to the floor.

"I just don't understand. I had just put him to sleep, I left his room for just a minute to put the empty bottle in the kitchen. Please there has to be a reason why he's not waking up." I cried to him. The doctor came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, sometimes things like this just happen, it's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault, he just died." he said looking at me. I sat there completely numb, remembering every single detail about my son. His chubby cheeks, his dimples when he smiled and his eyes, the way they shined when he looked at you. Everyone said he had my eyes and I never saw it, but thinking back on it now I know he did. He was such a happy baby, there had to be a reason why he wasn't breathing when I walked back in the room.

"What the hell happened?" I heard Robert's voice. I got up and ran to him hugging him, needing him to tell me everything was going to be okay.

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