Chapter 11: Reagan's POV

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The smell of food woke me out of my sleep. I sat up and checked my phone dreading going to the kitchen. I knew exactly what this was. Every time we get into a fight or he loses his shit, Robert would spend about a week on his best behavior trying to make up for his actions. This would be his apology breakfast and as much as I wanted to stay mad at him, I was starving. I made my way downstairs and sat down watching him whistle as he finished up the pancakes. He turned around and smiled at me. Roberts wasn't a bad person. He wasn't always so aggressive either. When I first met him in college he was a sweetheart, but as time went on he started changing. At first I thought it was just life, but after we lost Malakai he completely changed into someone I barely ever recognize. That first week was hell, the day we got back from the hospital, he left, and I didn't see him until the funeral. Even then he showed up drunk and caused a scene, but it was understandable because I too was in pain and everyone grieves differently. He spent a month after that out of the house because it was too painful, everywhere he went in the house reminded him of Malakai. While that caused him to stay away, that was the only reason why I couldn't leave the house for three months after. I wanted to hold on to the memories. I wanted to keep seeing his smile and the one place I could do that with no interruption was his room so I isolated myself in there. Six months later my sister was here everyday trying to drag me out. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. 

There's no heartbreak or physical pain that could amount to how I felt when I lost my son. Soon after, Roberts decided we should move because he couldn't step foot inside. I didn't want to leave, but my marriage was falling apart and my therapist wanted me to compromise, so I agreed. Everything was fine until Roberts decided that we couldn't have anything that belonged to Malakai in the house and the fighting and arguing started up again. I went ahead again and compromised and threw out the crib and his clothes, so I kept all of the photos and videos I had of him on my phone. I kept a picture frame and it's been a problem. Malakai's death wasn't the problem with our relationship because we were falling apart even before that. Roberts was always out and was constantly cheating on me and right when I was ready to leave was when I found out I was pregnant. Even now he was still talking to other people, and I didn't have the energy to press him on it. I've been collecting as much evidence as I could before I send him the divorce papers.

"Hey beautiful, I made you breakfast." Roberts' deep voice pulled me back to reality as he set the plate in front of me. I smiled and started eating trying to hurry up and get to work away from him.

"Thank you." I said as he walked out leaving for the day. An hour later I was dressed and pulling up to work. I kept a smile on my face as I made my way down the hall greeting students and other colleagues. Nobody knew what I was going through and I wanted to keep my personal life away from my work. I was running a few minutes late and I hoped all the students were already here. As I walked in I noticed everyone was already here just waiting.

"I'm sorry I'm late guys, is everybody here?" I asked making my way to my desk. I sat down and waited for my computer to start.

"Everything okay Mrs. Garcia?" I looked up to see Nico watching me.

"Yes, Nico thank you." I replied smiling at him. "Did everyone have a goodnight?" I asked looking up at the whole class, and that's when I noticed Gabby was completely zoned out. She looked like she had a lot on her mind.

"I slept great since I went to bed early last night." the student next to her said and she still didn't move, she was staring at her desk never looking at me. I know she saw Robert kiss me and for some reason I felt the need to explain myself to her even though I knew it was none of her business.

"That's great Jennifer. Did everyone read last night's chapters? If so, who can explain to me what they learned? We're going to have a pop quiz on it tomorrow just a heads up." I said and everyone groaned. A few students raised their hands and some looked like they had no clue what the hell I was talking about. Jennifer raised her hand again.

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