Chapter 31

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Reagan's POV:

When I walked back in the room Gabby was sitting up looking like she was having trouble breathing. I rushed to her and pressed the button to get the nurse in here.

"You okay?" I asked as two nurses rushed in and moved me out of the way. 15 minutes later and she was back to normal but I was terrified.

"I'm fine Reagan I swear. They say it's my body craving more of whatever the fuck Robert was giving me. I'm going through withdrawals." she said, laying back. I sat next to her and took her hand in mine.

"I don't want to miss any more classes. I can't fail the semester." she worries "I don't want to..." before she could finish the door opened and her dad stepped in the room and looked at me. He smiled and introduced himself before kissing Gabby on her forehead.

"How are you feeling Princess?" he asked and she looked timid and tried to hide her smile. She's daddy's little girl I thought to myself smiling at how cute and adorable she looked.

"I'm okay daddy, I want you to meet Reagan." she pointed at me and he extended out her hand which I accepted. I didn't know what else to say since we never had the conversation about parents and we were just friends.

"Reagan..." he repeated then he smiled and pulled me into a hug "Thank you for taking are of my daughter." he said and Gabby yelled "eww dad stop." I was about to turn away when she grabbed my hand and held it in place, I noticed her dad was watching every single movement but didn't say anything.

"So, we talked to the cops and they arrested both Kevin and the guy who did this to you. There will be a hearing but you won't have to attend if you don't want to face him again. For now I want you to focus on getting better okay?" gabby nodded and smiled at me. Now that Robert was arrested I didn't know what that meant for me. I had to talk to my lawyer and figure out what that means for the divorce process, but either way my fear has subsided a lot knowing that he wouldn't be able to hurt me or anyone else from behind bars. I talked to Kenna about visiting but she didn't think that was a good idea, we talked about the idea of me moving but nothing was settled yet. After her dad left I sat there and watched Gabby sleep. I had no idea what was going to happen when things went back to normal, but Stephanie's words kept replaying in my head over and over again. I didn't want to hurt Gabby and her being close to me I know for sure it was a possibility. I was afraid, but I didn't want to let my fear get the best of me, I didn't want her to fail either and I didn't want her to go home, so I selfishly offered to have her stay with me until she got better. The rest of her professors heard about what happened and were willing to work with her to pass the rest of the semester.

It's been three days since Gabby left the hospital and I was just now getting home from the university. I opened the door and walked in with a pile of papers in my hand that I instantly dropped when I heard the yelling and screaming coming from the living room. I rushed in there and saw Kenna holding back Gabriella's hair as she puked in a bucket near the bed. I rushed to her and looked at Kenna confusingly.

"Go get me some cold water." kenna commanded and I ran to the fridge and came back with a bottle of water. I opened it and gave gabby a sip when she was done and my heart broke at the sight. She was sweating and looked like hell. I switched position with Kenna and was now sitting on the couch next to her. I thought she was calming down when her body started shaking again and she started crying. "Please make it stop!?" she begged and cried in my arms.

"She's going through withdrawal Reagan she's gonna have to just push through it." Kenna said looking at me sadly. I helped Gabby close to me and whispered that everything was going okay, instead of answering she leaned forward and started throwing up again.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed and pushed me back. I released her to take off my jacket before sitting next to her and holding her fragile body against mine.

"Let me go!" she screamed again and I kept trying to sooth her and calm her down. "It's okay Gabby, you'll feel better soon." I whispered to her and she started crying again. We stayed like that for an hour before she finally fell asleep

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