Chapter 12: Gabby's POV

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Once again Stephanie was ditching me to hang out with her third mystery date. I still have yet to meet him. Campus was big but after a few days you start to see similar faces, but his was just never there even though I've been begging her to let me at least see a picture. I walked up to Toby's house and knocked. He had called and told me to bring him some more products and I was confused but happy.

"Hey come on in." I walked in and saw he had three other guys sitting in the living room. I greeted everyone before sitting down trying to ignore them checking me out.

"What happened to staying low?" I asked Toby as he sat across from me next to his guest.

"I know but that was some good shit man. I've never had this much demand before it's crazy." He said lighting up a rolled up blunt that was on the table.

"Hey I'm not complaining." I said putting up my hands. "Same amount?" I said reaching for my bag.

"Yeah, but I'll definitely hit you up again in a couple of days. I wanna try something new with this batch." he said.

"Alright." I pulled out the bags and laid everything on the table. "I have some new stuff coming too.

"This is perfect, you got anymore?" He asked.

"I have enough for 15-20k, what do you want to do?" I asked, getting uncomfortable because one of his friends wouldn't stop looking at me.

"Alright here." Toby handed me 15k and my heart got happy. If he kept calling me I wouldn't even need to distribute the rest in small portions.

"Alright, man you know where to find me." I said zipping up my bag with the money and standing up.

"Leaving so soon?" the friend asked, I nodded at him and said bye. I jumped in my car and pulled up to Reagan's driveway. Her car was there letting me know she was home already. I walked to the door and ringed the bell.

"Come on in!" her voice said.

I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes. The place was a palace and it looked completely different then on the outside,

"You like it?" she asked, smiling and walking towards me.

"How can you afford this?" I asked, looking, taking everything in. she laughed and gave me a quick hug and the smell of her hair pulled my attention to her.

"Come on before the food gets cold." she said and I noticed it did smell like food in here. We walked in the kitchen and she sat me down at the dining table. She came out with two plates, one for each of us.

"I hope you like it." she said smiling and my stomach growled. It was mashed potatoes and beef stew with garlic bread. I took a bite and moaned.

"This is delicious." I looked up and saw her watching me.

"You know Gabby. Since the first day of class I feel like I know you from somewhere but I can't figure it out." she said eating.

"I know what you mean, I feel like I've seen you before but honestly I can't think of where or how." I said as I kept eating.

"Have you ever been across town, near Jefferson high school maybe, I used to work near there." she said and I almost choked on my food.

"Yeah that's where I went to school." I said and her eyes got big.

"What is it?" I asked but she stayed quiet and looked down at her plate. "Reagan what is it?"

"Nothing, I think I know where I've seen you before but I'm not sure." and before I could ask any questions she quickly changed the subject. Even after we finished eating and were now watching TV she would look at me occasionally but then look away when I look at her. I know there's something she wasn't telling me so I stayed to myself. When she noticed how distant I was she moved closer and was now right next to me and I automatically tensed up. I didn't understand the effect she had on me but I loved it and wanted more. I turned to look at her and her face was already turned to me. She was so focused on my lips and I fought the urge to kiss her. "I've met you before." she whispered looking at me. "those eyes" she started tracing my face. "Your nose." she continued tracing over my nose going down, "and your lips" she softly traced my bottom lip with her thumb and my insides were on fire, I leaned in and was now just inches away from her. I wanted this. She's acting like she wanted it too and I couldn't stop myself. Next thing I knew, my lips were on hers, I felt her body melt next to me as if she too has been waiting for this to happen. I expected her to push me back, but not a second after and her lips were dancing with mine. Everything in my mind,body and soul fade to black. The only thing I could focus on was her lips and instantly I remembered where and when I've kissed them before. The memory flashed in my head and I deepened the kiss realizing I really have been dying to taste her again.

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