Chapter 23

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Reagan's POV

I opened my eyes after the third time hearing my sister yell downstairs. I looked at Gabby's sleeping figure next to me and quietly got out of bed. I grabbed a robe and put it on before making my way downstairs to see what all the commotion was about. As soon as I got to the living room I saw her furiously dialing 911. "Hey what's going on?" I asked confusingly and she looked at me after hanging off the phone.

"I'm going to fucking kill him I swear." she walked past me into the kitchen and I followed her.

"Kill who?" I still do not understand what was happening.

"Robert! It's too fucking early for this and he won't leave." she said pointing at the window. I walked over and sure enough Robert was standing right outside her door. I felt my heart rate increase as fear creeped up on me. Kenna noticed it as she told me to go back upstairs and let her handle it. I started making my way back to the room to make sure the noise wasn't waking up Gabby. Before I could get upstairs we heard the front door open and when I looked I noticed Robert had kicked it open and the door made a loud noise as it fell to the floor. Kenna appeared from the kitchen and marched up to him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing! Get the fuck out of my house Robert I already called the cops!" she screamed in his face trying to push him out. But he pushed her back and made his way to me. As soon as he got to me he aggressively grabbed my arms trying to pull me towards the door. "Let me go Robert what the hell!?" I snatched my arms back and tried to run away when he pulled out a gun and held it to the back of my head, and I froze. After a second I heard him yell in pain and when I looked back I saw Kenna had hit him in the back of his head with a baseball bat. He laid there not moving and I didn't know what to do.

"Go check on Gabby and stay in there until the cops get here." she ordered and I obeyed. whenI got back in the room I saw that Gabby was dressed and was about to walk out. As soon as she saw me she stopped.

"Hey what's going on?" she asked and I broke down. She pulled me into her and held me until we heard the sirens. She wanted to follow me downstairs but I kissed her and told her to just trust me. I didn't want her to see Robert and see what I had to deal with, I felt relieved when she agreed and I went downstairs. Kenna was talking to the cops and they were taking down notes.

"Excuse me Ma'am did you know him?" the cop asked me and I nodded. "Yes he's my husband...ex husband." I clarified and he looked at me and wrote down some more. Turns out when Kenna went in the kitchen to wait for the cops Robert was completely gone by the time she came back and so they had no idea where he was. We explained to them that there was an order of protection against him and they left. Gabby came downstairs and stayed close to me as she still had no idea what was going on. "Do you want me to go?" she asked looking between me and my sister and I pulled her into me and kissed her forehead.

"No, please stay. Come on I'll start making breakfast." she followed me into the kitchen and a second later Kenna joined us as the three of us sat there talking and laughing. Even with everything that was going on, Gabby made me feel better and she made me feel as if everything was going to be alright. I would catch her casually looking at me from time to time and when we made eye contact, she would smile and winked at me before continuing her conversation.

"I'll text you." I told Gabby as she was getting ready to head home.

"Promise?" she smiled and extended out her pinky finger and laughed at her childishness. I pulled her into me and kissed her. When we pulled away she smiled and pecked my lip "I'll see you back on campus." she said before making her way to her car and driving off. I looked around to make sure no one saw us before I went back inside to talk to my sister.

"You really like her?" she asked watching me, I smiled and didn't answer thinking of my night with Gabby.

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