Chapter 51

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Kenna's POV:

I was looking over my sister's case when the prison called and told me she was at a hospital. I called Gabby and told her to meet me there and as soon as I walked in the room I got pissed. Reagan was laying there with her hands cuffed to the bed in a pool of her own blood. She was crying and screaming as one doctor was talking to her and trying to calm her down while the other was looking in between her legs. Gabby ran up to her and my sister started crying.

"Get these off right now!" I said and the guard looked at me.

"It's protocol."

"She's pregnant and bleeding. She's in pain. She's not going anywhere. please! " I begged with tears running down my face. He looked between me and her before walking over and taking the cuffs off her hands. She automatically grabbed on to Gabby's shirt and held on for support.

"Please make it stop, it hurts!" she cried and Gabby held her and kissed her forehead.

"I know baby, I'm right here just breathe with me." Gabby was crying but she was trying to be here for her, and my heart broke watching my sister in so much pain. After what she went through with Malakai she was probably scared out of her mind that she was going to lose this baby. Not being able to watch any longer I left and got in my car. I cried the whole way to my office and when I got there I grabbed the yellow envelope that's been sitting on my desk and left. The whole way to my destination I knew I was about to ruin my career. If I didn't ruin it I was definitely about to make an enemy in the field. When I got to the building I walked in and asked to see him.

"He'll be right out." his secretary said and I took a seat and waited. Five minutes later he was smiling in my face.

"Reagan hi! What a surprise. Come on in." I got up and walked past him into the office. I sat down and waited for him to take his seat before talking.

"How are you doing? I've been meaning to reach out since I got your sister's case, but I've been so busy..." before He could finish I dropped the envelope in front of him and he looked at me.

"What is this?" he asked looking at me.

"My sister's in the hospital. She's bleeding and there's a high chance she might lose the baby." his face fell and he looked at me.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry I..."

"I don't need your pity. I need you to get her out of there. She's not going back to that filthy place."

"Woah. listen. I really am sorry about your sister, but she broke the law. What she did was dirty and wrong. She took advantage of a 17 year old Reagan. Now I love you and I consider you family, but I can't overlook that. If it was up to me honestly she would never see daylight again." I listened to him and started laughing.

"I was hoping you'd say that." I said as I pushed the envelope towards him. He opened it and his face got pale.

"What is this?" he yelled pushing his chair back.

"Oh you mean this dirty disgusting thing in front of you? It's wrong to even look at isn't it?" I asked calmly and he walked towards his door.

"If you call anybody in here I swear to God I will make sure you spend the rest of your life behind bars. You should be in that filth, not her Don't make me tell you again." he walked back and picked up the photos and looked at them shaking his head. I've known the judge for years. We were good friends until last year when he complicated one of my cases. I was defending a child that was lost in a sex trafficking ring. Despite the girl's testimony he called a mistrial. I never understood it until a week after the case was closed when I received the girl's suicide note. She lied on the stand because when she got there she recognized him as one of the guys she was forced to sleep with. She sent me a bunch of pictures of him with other kids and I got a case opened against him, but his reputation was so big and important that he was able to close everything. I held on to the pictures until today.

"Call whoever you need to call and fix this. My sister had a drunk one night stand with a 17 year old who wanted her just as much. There was no force and she didn't even know the girl's age. You on the other hand forced yourself on a bunch of children under the age of 12. You are the only sick and filthy thing here! Do you even know what happens to those kids after you're done with them?! Huh?! Get her out of there before I kill you myself." he got up and made a call. I listened to him schedule the court for tomorrow morning and when he was done he handed me the picture.

"Keep them. I made copies. And as I said, when she leaves the hospital, she's coming home. And take care of Jason." I walked out and slammed the doors behind me.

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