Chapter 13: The First Time I Saw You

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Reagan's POV:

My heart felt as if it was about to burst out of my chest while my stomach was playing hopscotch inside of me. Everything that was happening was almost too much for me to handle, but I couldn't pull away. My knees felt so weak, and I felt grateful that I was sitting down. I missed this. This entire time my whole being has been missing her and I didn't even realize it. I felt her hand touch my knees and I got weak, she noticed the change in my body and grabbed the back of my neck holding me close as if I would fade away, little did she know that being here with her was my happy place. I felt her pull and bite down my lower lip so hard I thought I was bleeding and the pain lasted for just a second before a wave of pleasure washed over me and a raspy moan escaped my lips vibrating inside of hers. I felt her nails dig in my skin and just like that the memories come flashing back to the very first time I met her.

Flashback 1/2 year ago

"I really could care less if he doesn't come back to Kenna, I've had enough. I'm done." I said to my sister before we walked out the house. Robert and I got into a fight last week and he went too far. He fractured my ribs and I got a restraining order against him. So for the past two weeks my sister has been staying with me.

"Fuck him and his shit. We're gonna go out and have fun." Kenna said getting in the driver seat and we took off.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked, realizing she's going in the opposite direction of the club.

"It's a private party my friend is hosting, just trust me." she winked before turning her head back on the road. 10 minutes later we were parking, and I looked around confusingly.

"Relax honey, come on." she grabbed my hand and we walked to the door of an abandoned building.

"This looks like a crack house." I said grudgingly.

"Yeah but wait till you get inside." she said as a tall muscular guy opened the door and smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful come on in" he said obviously already knowing who she was. I followed behind her like a lost puppy. The moment we stepped inside I was blown away. This looked nothing like it did on the outside. Inside of the building screamed elegance and I took in the people in there. Everyone was well dressed and looked like they were having the time of their life. We walked over to the bar and sat down. Kenna was busy chatting with someone as I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked and noticed it was Robert texting me threats about what he would do to me the next time he saw me. I felt anger overtook my being and I got up.

"Where are you going?" Kenna questioned.

"I'll be right back, wait here." I said to her as I made my way around trying to find the door to get some air. I was so busy trying to control my emotions that I didn't see the girl I bumped into and spilled her drink all over her dress.

"Oh shit, I am so so sorry I wasn't looking..."I started apologizing and when I looked down at her my heart stopped. She was so beautiful I was speechless.

"It's alright but would you mind helping me up?" she asked and I realized she was still on the ground.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry I wasn't.."

"Yeah you already said that." she interrupted me smiling. "Well shit." she said looking at her ruined dress.

"Oh god, what can I do?" I asked looking at her.

"It's alright luckily I have a room here for the night I'm sure i'll find something to change in." she said and smiled at me. For a split second everything around us disappeared as she made eye contact with me. She was so mesmerizing.

"Please I'll come with you. I can help." I offered. She grabbed my hand and that's when I first felt the electricity running through my veins. She Must've felt it too because she quickly let go and looked away from me. I followed her into a room and sat down as she looked through a closet.

"So, where were you rushing to?" she asked, pulling my focus off her body.


"Earlier when you bumped into me, you looked upset and you were rushing somewhere." she said looking at me.

"I was trying to find a door, I needed some fresh air." I said getting up as I noticed she was having trouble with her dress. I walked behind her and grabbed the zipper. her body tensed up under my touch and it got quiet. So quiet that I could hear my heart beating. She turned around and looked at me, her eyes were dilated and held nothing but lust.

"I um..." I was at a loss for words, she closed the gap between us and leaned into me and kissed me. "I don't know..." I started and she cut me off. "Just one night, I'll be gone before the sun comes up." I didn't know what to do at first and my lips parted and gave her entrance. Words cannot begin to explain the fireworks I felt in my heart, mind and soul as we stood there making out. I felt a rush of adrenaline travel from my toes to my head and I got dizzy. She wrapped her arms around my waist to hold me up and I pushed her towards the bed. I gently pushed her down and even I was shocked at my daring motion. She looked at me and pulled me down on her as if her life hung on the line. For the first time in my life I felt like I was in love, my body felt so connected to my emotions and hers and it was pure bliss. Everything felt so new and yet familiar. Every cell in my body craved her touch and her intoxicating smell. I got up and got out of my dress as she did the same. I was standing there in nothing but a bra and panties as her eyes took me in looking very satisfied. She kissed me and pushed me back on the bed. Our gaze met and my pounding heart felt as if it would explode in a matter of seconds. She leaned in and kissed my lips lingering on my bottom lip. The action was so small yet it sent a massive electric wave throughout my body and I couldn't help but to release a moan in response. She smiled noticing how positively my body was reacting to her touch. She kissed her way to my earlobe and took it in between her teeth and I trembled.

"Are you sure?" she asked and I shook under her. "More than anything" I answered. She then sat up straddling my hips as I drowned in the image before me. Her bouncy brown curls cascaded over her tatted shoulder while those brown eyes stayed locked on me. I felt her fingers tracing circles on the inside of my thighs as she lowered herself and started planting wet slow kisses on my skin. Each kiss burned though my flesh and I felt my nipples hardened. Everything felt so natural as if I've been doing this my entire life. She lifted my leg up and rested it on her shoulder, she kept kissing and teasing until I felt a tear roll down my cheeks and I did something I've never done before. I begged her. "Please..." I moaned.

"Please what?" her raspy voice said back.

"Please..." I felt my body tremble again. "Touch me." and a second later she delivered as I felt her tongue licked up my dripping juice. I twitched and moaned under her as she held my hips in place. Right when I was about to cum, she pulled away and I was ready to cuss her out until I felt a finger inside of me and then another. My entire being was now under her spell and she had me screaming over and over and over again for hours. But as good as she was making me feel, nothing sounded sweeter than her moaning in my ear and nothing felt better than her nails digging into my skin for support. The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and no trace of her. She kept her promise and was completely gone and I've never felt so alone. For weeks I kept seeing her in everyone's face and I kept hoping and praying I'd run into her again, but I never did.

End Of FlashBack

Gabby moaned in my ear and I remembered where we were. She was here, after an entire year she was here, in my home and I wanted her to make love to me. I was now laying on my back and she was on top of me making me feel things only she can make me feel. All my senses came flooding back and I realized the position I was in. I was making out with one of my students. I stopped and she stood up looking at me and her eyes made me feel like it did the first time I met her.

"Gabby" my voice barely a whisper looking at her.

"Reagan..." she replied looking at me hungrily, almost desperately.

"This can't happen again...not like this." I said referring to how different our situation was.

"What do you mean?" she asked

"You have to go, you can't be here. Please leave." I said and she grabbed her keys and left slamming the door behind her. 

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