Chapter 28: ROBERT

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Unknown POV

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Unknown POV

Hearing the sirens getting closer I walked down the basement and opened up the secret door leading me to where she was laying down passed out.

"Wake up." I dumped some cold water on her face and watched as she sat up staring at me. "Imma need you to keep quiet okay?"

"So you woke me up to tell me to be quiet?" she smiled with a smug look on her face. I bent down and took the IV out of her arm and she looked behind me.

"Cute kid." she said and I turned to see the photo that fell out of my pocket and was now on the ground in front of her cage. I picked it up and placed it back in my pocket before I started packing up the empty syringes off the floor and trying to clean as much as possible.

"So I've been thinking. I think you have me here before you're lonely." I continued cleaning and completely ignored her.

"You can talk to me you know...I hear I'm a great listener." I looked at her feeling myself getting angry.

"You wanted to play right?" I asked aggressively. It was time she told me the truth. "Tell me everything I need to know about my wife and I'll let you go." she looked at me and started laughing, which was pissing me off even more.

"I said I was a great listener, not a marriage counselor." she looked at me with a smile plastered on her face.

"I'm not playing with you Gabriella. How long have you been fucking my wife?" she then looked at me with confusion written all over her face.

"Now you've lost me." she said sitting up. "You're a drug dealer and you're married." she said mostly to herself. "That's a new one." I pulled up a chair and sat in front of her.

"Answer me." and when she kept smiling at me I pulled out my gun and smacked her in her pretty face with it. She grunted in pain but the smile never left her face.

"Somebody's in a mood today." she said with blood dripping down her lips.

"Look, I'll let you go if you just..." she started laughing and I tried to keep my cool before doing something I'll regret.

"You're not going to let me go. You know it and I know it. You could've invited me out to dinner and talk like two mature adults. But you kidnapped me. You've physically hurt me over and over again. You've been injecting me with god knows what, and you want to sit and talk? I don't know you, and I don't know anything about your wife." she said spitting blood on my face. I wiped it off and hit her again.

"How long have you been fucking my wife?" I asked again and I could tell she was starting to give in.

"Can we just start off with who the fuck is your wife?" I looked at her and realized she really has no idea who I am. This whole time I thought she was playing dumb, but she really didn't know why she was here. I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture and her face went from confused to shocked in a second.

"Reagan...:" she whispered to herself looking at the picture. I pulled my phone away and looked at her.

"Now I'm going to ask you one more time." I raised my gun to hit her again when I realized she was crying.

"I didn't know you were her husband. She never told me about you man. We never talked about you." she stopped crying and smiled. "Probably cause she was always so busy screaming my name... you just never came up." I stood up and kicked the cage with rage building up inside of me.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hit a nerve?" she cocked her head to the side and laughed quietly.

"Do you think I have a problem killing you?" I spit at her.

"No, I think you're a coward. If you wanted me dead we wouldn't be here having this conversation." she said looking bored. I opened up the cage and dragged her to her feet, she automatically fell back hitting her head on her way down. She sat up and winced in pain but she was still smiling at me. I pulled her up again and she seemed to be regaining control of her legs as she stood wobbling in front of me. I grabbed a handful of her hair and kissed her. She tried to fight it and when I pulled off she spit on my face again. "What, are you trying to see what it is she like about me? You want some too?" she laughed and I pushed her against the wall. I took the cuffs off her hands and she stood there watching me. I was about to kiss her again when her phone started ringing. I cussed under my breath and looked at the screen.

"I told you. People will be looking for me." she said calmly.

"It's your mommy and daddy." I mocked as I powered off her phone. I was expecting to see some emotion on her facial figures but she was just standing there with that smug look on her face.

"We've been fucking for over a year now." she said catching me off guard. I felt my blood boil and I wanted to hit her again, but I held back as she started talking.

"I didn't know who she was. I didn't even know her name. Shit just happened. I didn't know she was married. I'm not a homewrecker." And for the first time in the past two weeks I actually believed her. She wasn't the one I wanted. She wasn't the one I wanted down here in my cage, but she was my second best option. I walked to her and was about to make her fuck me when I heard the fire alarm going off. I looked around confusingly wondering why it was going off.

"Uh oh. Somebody forget to turn off the stove?" I ignored her and ran upstairs to see what was going on before things got too bad. When I got upstairs I saw Kevin sitting in the kitchen looking at me. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he looked at me and laughed.

"Are you high?" I asked and he stood up.

"We had a deal. You were only supposed to have her for a week man. People are starting to ask me too many questions." he said nervously scratching the back of his head.

"You better keep your mouth shut." I warned as I pulled the batteries out of the alarm.

"I will if you got any more of that stuff for me." he shifted side to side.

"No you're done and you don't tell me what to do." I said walking away when he started talking again.

"I'll go to the cops. I don't care if I get arrested. I'll go to the cops unless you give me what I want." he threatened.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, but remember I almost killed you before." I turned back to look at him and was taken back when he had a gun pulled out on me. I reached behind me when I realized that not only did I leave my gun down there, but she wasn't locked in the cage. Her hands weren't even cuffed. I ran downstairs and before I could open the door I heard gunshots. I fell when the bullet hit my back. I turned around and saw Kevin pointing the gun at me still and she was in front of my shaking as she fired a bullet on my thighs. "Fucking bitch!" I screamed as she tried to run past me towards Kevin. I grabbed her legs and she fell down hitting her nose on the steps hard.she looked back and kicked my face and when I reached to hold my nose from the pain she got up and ran outside.

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