Chapter 41

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Gabby's POV: 41

It's been almost two weeks since I broke up with Reagan, and it's been two weeks since I've seen her. I haven't been going to class and Nico was more than happy to bring me my notes. He's been bringing me my assignments and also returning them so that way I wouldn't fail. Tonight was his Birthday party and there was an exam in class so I had no choice but to show up. I've ignored all of Reagan's apology messages and eventually she stopped trying, which wasn't a surprise. "You have to take a bite." Nico said as I felt him shove a sandwich in my mouth. I took a bite and spit it out. We were on our way to Reagan's class.

"What is that?" I asked, still trying to get the taste off my tongue.

"Oh come on it's good, it's like a travel size mini heaven." he said and I watched him take a big bite out of it, I looked away in disgust and shook my head.

"More like poison, what's in it?" I asked while walking in the elevator.

"Eggs and jelly and ham, and peanut butter." I gagged and looked away.

"That sounds like diarrhea, why are you eating it?"

"I lost a bet so I have to eat one everyday for a week. Either that or I'll have to sleep with a girl to prove a point to my roommate." he said swallowing the last bite.

"You're too daring sometimes." I said, he has a habit of doing whatever people dare him to do. Most of the time it's funny but sometimes it makes me question his sanity. We kept walking until we got in front of the class and Jennifer was watching us.

"But you have to admit it wasn't that bad. It's an acquired taste. Here, have some." he said jokingly, trying to stick his finger in my mouth and I kept trying to push him off as we both started laughing. Eventually his finger did end up in my mouth and I tried to hit him but he pulled me into him and lifted me off the floor.

"Oh you know you love me." he said laughing and swinging me around. I laughed and tried hitting his back but he was stronger than me.

"Tell me you love me." At this point a lot of the other students were laughing. My stomach started cramping at laughing so hard and I surrendered.

"Okay okay I love you I love you I love you." he finally put me down and kissed my cheeks. When we turned around Reagan was standing by the door watching us. She cleared her throat, rolled her eyes and unlocked the door for us. I made my way to the back and Nico followed me and sat next to me.

"Nico why are you in the back?" Reagan asked.

"We don't have assigned seats." he shrugged and she walked to her desk. She looked beautiful and it pained me not talking to her, but I knew it was for the best.

"You guys have the whole hour to complete this. Please make sure your cellphones are off." I pulled out my phone and read a text Nico just sent.

*somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I laughed and powered off my phone, when I looked up Reagan was watching us. I looked away and cleared off my desk. She started passing the test around and when she got to me, she paused for a little longer and handed me the paper. When I opened up the test I saw a sticky note in there saying we needed to talk. I looked up at her and nodded. The test wasn't that bad, most of the students were struggling but I finished early and was going over my answers. Reagan spent the whole hour watching me. I walked over to her and pretended to ask her a question but the truth was I missed her and I needed to be near her. She explained it and was trying to stay professional and I went back to my seat. When the class was over she asked me to stay behind and I told Nico I'd meet him later. I sat in front of her and she looked at me. Her belly was showing a little but her face looked like she lost weight.

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