Chapter 29

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Reagan POV:

I was in the middle of a conversation with my sister when my phone started going off. I ignored it and continued my conversation.

"All I'm saying is that you barely know her. You're barely out of a toxic marriage and you shouldn't be involved with her. You don't know her." she said sipping on her coffee.

"I know her enough to know she wouldn't just disappear like that Kenna. I know her." I said as my phone started ringing again. Unknown Number I answered and almost had a heart attack.

"Who is this?" I asked into the line.

"It's Stephanie. You need to hurry your ass up and get here." the voice said angrily from the other line.

"I don't know a Stephanie but..." she interrupted me.

"It's Gabby's best friend. We found her. Can you get here now please." I grabbed my bag and keys and Kenna followed me outside. "Where are you?" I asked before hanging the phone up and speeding off down the street. The whole time Kenna kept asking me who was on the phone but I was too scared and worried to even answer her. She has to be okay I thought to myself thinking of the last time I saw Gabby. The next day when I made it to school she wasn't in class and I got worried since she hadn't returned any of my messages or calls. I thought maybe she was still home but the whole week went by and she wasn't in any of her classes either. She wasn't on campus at all and her best friend asking me for her whereabouts made me realize that something was wrong. I waited and waited but she never showed up and she never answered. I was so stressed out that I couldn't sleep!

"We're here." Kenna said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I parked and got out of the car making my way inside of the hospital. As soon as I stepped in I was greeted by multiple police officers and Stephanie.

"Where is she?" I asked and she looked at me angrily.

"Nobody can see her right now. Do you want to explain to me why your husband has been keeping her hostage for the past two weeks?" she questioned and I felt my heart drop. Robert didn't know about Gabby. I said to myself trying to process what she just said.

"He did what?!" Kenna screamed behind me and that's when I realized that my life had been pretty quiet since Gabby went missing. Robert never showed up again and the cops never found him. Things were too quiet but I was so busy worrying about Gabriella that I never tried to connect the dots. I walked past Stephanie and made my way over to the police officer.

"Excuse me." I said getting his attention. He looked up at me and stood up.

"I need to see her right now." I demanded and he looked at me confusingly.

"Are you a family member?" he questioned.

"No, I'm her professor. The guy who hurt her is my ex husband, there's already a case open against him. I just want to help and make sure that she's okay." I explained and he pulled me aside to get more information. 30 minutes went by and he was still asking me questions about Robert and the divorce process and why Robert would want to hurt Gabby and I tried my best to help without exposing the relationship I had with Gabby.

"Where's my daughter?" we looked up and saw a worried man staring at us.

"I'm sorry sir but..." the cop stood up but the guy interrupted.

"Gabriella Carter. Where is she?" he questioned and I realized he was Gabby's father.

"Come with me." The police excused himself and went down the hall with the man and his wife as I stood there and started crying. I should've left her alone. If I never got involved with her none of this would be happening. I felt a hand on my back and I saw my sister sitting next to me trying to comfort me.

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