Messy Thanksgiving Dinner: Chapter 20

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Gabby's POV

48 hours since I've been home, and I was about to blow. My parents weren't speaking to each other, and they kept pretending that everything was okay around me. I tried talking to dad but he kept telling me that everything was fine and I needed to not worry about it. Did I forget to mention that I did tell him about mom before I went off to school? I never told him who she was sleeping with, and I wanted to know what was going on so bad but neither one of them wanted to talk about it. Mom was upset with me but she was trying to not show it, which made no sense. She raised me to be truthful and honest and now that I was doing that she was having a problem with him.

"Gabriella dinner's ready!" I heard her yell from the kitchen. I got up and put on a hoodie before making my way downstairs and the smell of food instantly hit my soul. I smiled and sat at the table.

"We have guests coming over, please change into something appropriate." my dad said looking at my booty shorts. I went upstairs and changed into some black skinny jeans before heading back downstairs. I froze when I got downstairs and saw Kane talking with my dad. Did Mom really keep having this dude over here after everything that's going on with her and dad? Why was he here?

"Gabby welcome back! How was school?" Kane said smiling at me. I walked past him and made my way into the kitchen where mom was getting drinks out of the fridge.

"Why is he here?" I questioned looking at her.

" Stay out of grown folk's business Gabriella." she said not looking at me.

"Does dad know it's him?" I asked, and she finally stopped what she was doing and glared at me.

"I don't know, you tell me. You went and told him everything else...did you forget to give him a name?" she asked annoyingly.

"You're really blaming me for this?" I shook my head at her unbelievably.

"I had a plan for how I wanted to tell him Gabby. I had everything under control and you went behind my back. Now he doesn't trust me and he thinks I've been lying to him for months."

"Well haven't you?"

"I don't know when you got this disrespectful but you need to watch how you talk to me." She said walking past me, and I stopped her.

"I'm the disrespectful one? Dad doesn't deserve this and you know it. If you had any respect for him you would stop being a coward and just tell him the truth instead of letting him become friends with your side piece." I walked out and sat down at the table next to my dad who smiled at me before returning to his conversation with Kane. I sat there and watched mom place the food and drinks on the table before sitting down. Dad said his prayer and the whole time I could see Kane smiling at my mother and her lying ass was sitting there blushing at him.

"So Gabby, tell me how's the university treating you?" Kane asked and I could feel everyone at the table staring at me, so I filled up my mouth with more food and looked at him with a fake apologetic look. He looked at me as if he knew what I was doing, but I kept my eyes on my plate as they continued their conversations.

"Sweetheart, tell him how high your grades are." Dad said looking at me proudly. I smiled at him and answered.

"They're great, the professors are really nice and understanding. The whole experience is to die for dad." I told him and I could see mom rolling her eyes. Kane excused himself to go use the bathroom and mom got up with him to show him where it was. I kept my eyes on her the whole time.

"Dad, please talk to me."

"I'm sorry honey I just don't want you stressing over this, you should be focusing on school." he said

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