Messy Thanksgiving Dinner Part 2: Chapter 21

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Reagan's POV

I spent the last few days trying to keep myself together. I was at Kenna's house and she was packing my stuff and putting them in her guest room. She had called me last night and told me the divorce papers were ready, and I needed to stay with her for a few days so she could watch over me. Robert didn't know anything, I woke up and was as nice to him as I could be and he was loving it. "That was it." my sister said sitting next to me eating a bag of popcorn.

"How do you think he's going to react?" I asked.

"Same old shit. Probably going to try coming here to beat you up again, but lucky for us we'll be three hours away having dinner with mom and dad." she said, shrugging.

"Right. Well I'm ready to go, I don't want to be here for it." I said getting up. My sister was an attorney and she was in contact with my lawyer about my divorce papers and she made the whole process easier. I didn't want to admit it to her, but I was terrified of what Robert would do to me once he received the papers. I knew he would be upset and I knew he would lose his shit and try to slap me around, but nothing prepared me for what he actually did.

A couple hours later we were helping mom prep for dinner. The house was filled with close friends and other family members and everyone was having a good time. We were sipping on wine but couldn't drink too much because mom wouldn't like it.

"I can't believe I finally have all my babies under one roof for dinner." mom said, smiling and pulling me in a hug. I hugged her back and walked to the living room to spend time with my cousins I haven't seen in years. My family don't always get together for holidays at all, but with mom being sick this year we decided to all be here in case she didn't make it to next year's Thanksgiving. I didn't want to worry them so they don't know anything about what happens with me and Robert. I told them he would be with his family this year and they didn't ask anymore questions.

"Every time I see you you're a little taller." My aunt said, pulling me into her. "It's just the heels." I laughed and sat next to her.

"Alright everybody let's eat." Dad said as everyone made their way to the dining area. Everyone was having a good time catching up until we heard a knock on the door. My dad got up to answer it. Two minutes later he walked back in and whispered to me.

"Honey your husband is out there wanting to talk to you." I automatically tensed up and looked at my sister who heard and was getting up.

"Excuse me." she walked out, and I got up and followed her out. The rest of the family didn't know what was going on but soon they went back to their conversation. Kenna told me to wait inside as she went outside to face Robert who was now making a scene.

"I want to talk to my wife Kenna, you can't keep her away from me." I heard his voice.

"Look, we're having dinner and you're not about to ruin it Robert you're drunk. Go home and this can wait."

"I'm not going to ask again Kenna." this time he sounded closer to the door, I felt someone behind me and saw my father looking at me.

"What's going on honey, why are you crying?" he asked and I hugged him and broke down.

"Is he hurting you?" he asked, but I couldn't answer. He told me to go back to the dining room but I couldn't.

"Look man, now isn't the time or place for this." my dad said to him.

"No disrespect sir but I believe this is between my wife and I."

"Not today it isn't. You can't just show up to my house and demand my daughter to talk to you. So I suggest you leave."

"Or else what?" At this point Robert was yelling and one by one everyone was in the living room trying to figure out what was going on. I went outside and looked at him.

"Oh finally. Baby we need to talk about this. I know you don't mean it." he said waving some papers in the air sounding almost desperate.

"We can talk about this later Robert, I want you to leave." I said as my sister and my dad looked at us.

"No. we're gonna talk about it right now." he said angrily, but I could tell he was trying to hold himself together in front of my family.

"And if she doesn't?" Kenna questioned."You're gonna start hitting her again? You're gonna break her ribs?" my dad looked at him now realizing what really was going on.

"Get outta here son I'm not telling you again." my father said now standing right in front of Robert. Robert pushed him back and made his way to me.

"Don't make this worse than it already is Reagan, Let's go." he said close enough for me to hear him.

"I'm not leaving with you Robert, I'm done. We're done. I'm leaving you and I'm not going back to that house with you. Enough is enough." I said thinking of all the shit I had to put up with. I felt a sting on my face realizing he had hit me. Before I could react, my father had him on the ground punching him.

"You. do. Not. ever. Hurt. my. Daughter. You. worthless. piece of. Shit." with each word we can hear the blows. My cousins and uncles were now outside as a few of them started kicking Robert on the ground under my father. My mom came out and started crying when she saw the scene. My dad was pulled off and that's when Robert pulled out a gun pointing it at me.

"Back the fuck up...all of you!" he yelled and everyone paused, and even I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know he owned a gun. Right on queue we heard sirens and the police showed up and arrested him. My dad walked me back inside and we were now sitting on the back porch.

"Why didn't you tell me Hija?"

"I didn't want to worry you and mom. But it's over now, he's upset because he received the divorce papers today." I explained.

"And how long has this been going on?"

"Before we had Malaki it wasn't too bad, we argued about him staying out too late and cheating on me, but after we lost Malakai he just got aggressive and angry. I tried but i couldn't do it anymore." I cried.

"It's okay baby girl, you're safe now." he said rubbing my back.

"I don't know what I'm going to do." I admitted.

"Your sister is going to go with you to the station to file a restraining order. That should keep him away from you until we figure it out." he sat there with me until the extended family went home. Kenna and I had to sit down and explain to mom about what's been happening and for the sake of her health we kept some things out. By the end of the night I was beyond exhausted, but I couldn't fall asleep.

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