Chapter 55

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12 Months Later: Reagan's POV: 

"I swear we are never going to have sex again."

 I groaned as she laughed and got up to go pick up a crying Gabriel from his room. A minute later and she was back in bed with him laying down in between us. Right when he was about to fall asleep Milo started crying, and I got to go get him. Half an hour later and they were both knocked out. I looked at Gabby's sleepy figure and smiled as her eyes slowly closed and soon the three of them were softly snoring on the bed. It's been 12 months since we took our babies home from the hospital and the year has been magical. I decided not to work until the kids turned one because we both agreed we didn't want them in daycare when they were too little. Gabby was still in school, but instead of staying on campus she was commuting because she didn't want to miss any time with the twins. I stayed home and together we watched our boys grow up step by step. I start my first day at work tomorrow, and I was more than excited. We agreed that Gabby would be bringing them to daycare since she didn't have classes until the afternoon, and I had to be at work early in the morning.

I was currently sitting in my office grading papers when a knock on the door interrupted me "come in." I said and she walked inside in all her glory with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. I instantly smiled and stood up to greet her. She kissed my lips before taking a look around.

"This is a nice set up you got here." she said looking back at me as I stayed leaned against my desk she walked over and stood in front of me.

"I wanted to come by and see how your first day was going." she said and I smiled at how cute she was.

"So far it's going great, I was going over some papers." she walked up to me, and I pulled her to me by her collar and kissed her.

"You know.." she whispered against my lips. "This really is a nice desk." I smiled and covered her mouth with mine. "Is it?" I asked and she pulled back and looked at me.

"yeah, but it would look better with you on it" before I could process what she said, she pushed the papers on the floor and in a swift motion she had me on the desk with her in between my legs that were wrapped around her waist.

"Baby we don't have a lot of ti..." her hands roamed up my thighs and my pussy started throbbing with anticipation. I wanted her to keep going, but I had a meeting and I wanted to be ready for it on my first day.

"Sweetheart I have to..." I felt her thumb rubbing over my clit and my head fell back with my eyes closed.

"Baby I can't."

"Shhh, just enjoy the ride love." she slowly made her way down and placed her head under my skirt. She removed my panty, and I felt her tongue lick me up.

"Ohh fuckk baby we can't..." she ignored me and entered her tongue inside of me.

"You're so wet for me." she said before slurping me up. She kept sucking on my clit and then entering her tongue in me. At that point I didn't have the energy to fight her off so I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride until I felt her finger inside of me and a loud moan escaped my lips. She reached up and entered her wet finger in my mouth and I gladly wrapped my lips around her tasting my juice on it. As she was licking my clit, she was slowly guiding her finger in and out of my mouth to over out my moans. I was about to come when she stood up and kissed my lips. She then started fingering me. At this point it was impossible for me to not moan out her name.

"Fuckkk yess Gabby right there... ohhh yesss fuckkk" she started speeding up, and I was grinding my hips towards her to feel as much of her as I could. She had two fingers inside of me and her tongue was invading the inside of my mouth.

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