Chapter 45

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Warning: Sexual Contents In this chapter

Kenna's POV:45

The next couple of days couldn't have passed by faster. It was weird watching Reagan and Gabby playhouse, but I wasn't complaining. She would wake up and make sure Gabby had breakfast before her classes and they would constantly flirt with each other and I was trying not to vomit at the sight, which they thought was hilarious. Stephanie was finally back and was supposed to come over for a movie night with Gabby and I was low-key excited to see her. She's been texting me all week and somehow we created a weird friendship and I was liking it.

"How about this?" Reagan interrupted my thoughts as she shoved her phone in my face. I grabbed the phone and looked at the baby car seats she was looking at.

"It's got better reviews than the last one." I said giving her back the phone. We started getting ready for the baby and it was actually more fun than I thought it would be. With Malakai I didn't get a say in anything because Robert didn't want me around but now with Reagan, Gabby and I it felt like a dream come true.

"Hey you sure you're okay with the girls being here for the movie night tonight? They can get pretty loud and I know you have work in the morning." Reagan said eating some rice off my plate.

"Yeah it'll be fine. If anything I can just work from home tomorrow." I replied pushing my plate towards her to which she smiled and shoved more into her mouth. Her belly was showing faster than her last pregnancy and she was glowing. Ever since she stopped working she seemed happier just relaxing and not overworking herself.

"This is so delicious." she said before she started moaning with every bite.

"You're ridiculous." I laughed and got up to go to the living room. She followed me and we sat in silence for a few minutes before she said. "So...what do you think of Gabby?" I looked at her with an eyebrow arched.

"She practically lives here." I laughed and paused the TV.

"Yeah but I mean like, your honest opinion about her...for me..." she blushed and looked away.

"I like her. I think she's a good person. She's definitely good for you, this is the happiest I've ever seen you. Plus thanks to her I now know how loud you are during sex so there's that." she busted out laughing and I joined in watching her bent over cracking up.

"No comments." she said when she was finally able to control herself and I smiled at how happy she really was. I was about to keep making fun of her when the bell rang and I got up to answer it. As soon as I opened the door I saw Gabby standing there with a huge smile on her face and her arms full of chips and other snacks. I shook my head in disappointment and stood aside so she could walk in. she laughed when she saw the smile on my lips. I was about to close the door when Stephanie got out of the backseat and walk up to the door with a smile on her face.

"Hey" she said when she got to me and I smiled and let her in.

"Welcome back." I said as she walked in the kitchen. I followed her trying to block out Reagan and Gabby's playful laughs from the living room.

"How was your vacation?" I said looking through the snacks Gabby left on the counter.

"It was anything but a vacation." she said sitting down and looking at me. "My dad's brother just graduated from medical school so we drove up there to congratulate him. I love them but the family is big and can be extra sometimes. I'm happy to be back. I missed Gabby." she said as she started looking through the snacks with me.

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