Chapter 40

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Kenna's POV

As soon as I got off the phone I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I ran downstairs and saw Reagan watching me from the couch.

"Where are you going?" she asked, pausing her show.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?" I snapped and she stood up.

"It's in my room, what's going on."

"Gabby's in trouble and they've been calling you all night." as soon as I said Gabby she grabbed her keys and headed outside. I decided to drive and we were soon pulling up to the club.

"You should stay here, you can't be in there like that." I said eyeing her booty shorts and slippers.

"I'm coming in." she stubbornly followed me and ran into someone as soon as we got in there.

"Mrs. Garcia! What're you doing here?" the guy asked and I recognized him.

"Nico hey I really gotta go." we made our way past him and walked in the bathroom. We heard Stephanie talking softly in the last stall.

"You're doing great baby I'm right here." I walked in and the sight almost made me sick. Gabby was in her arms on the dirty floor and Stephanie was slowly taking a needle out of her hand. She looked up and saw. When she turned her head and saw Reagan she said "she can't be here. This is her fault she needs to go." referring to Reagan who looked hurt but took a step back. She still didn't know that Gabriella was on the verge of relapsing and I'm not sure how she was going to react. After their argument Gabby left and still wasn't talking to her.

"Can you at least tell me if she's okay?" she asked and I looked at Gabby before turning back to her.

"Look you can't freak out right now okay? No matter what you see you have to handle it." she nodded and I grabbed Gabriella in my arms. She was completely slumped. Stephanie helped me up and together we walked out the stall with Gabriella. We heard Reagan gasped as she took a step forward but Stephanie paused her.

"Don't touch her." she said harshly. "She's passed out right and she can't see you like this so just don't try to talk to her, don't say anything at all." Reagan stepped back and I saw a tear rolling down her face. I carried Gabby to my car as Stephanie went to say bye to her friend. Reagan opened the door and I gently placed Gabby in the back of my car. Reagan sat in the front crying and for the first time in my life I didn't know what to say to make her feel better. Stephanie came back and sat next to Gabby.

"Thank you so much and I'm sorry for calling so late I didn't know what else to do." she explained and I smiled at her.

"Did she um.." I didn't know how to ask and she knew what I meant.

"No you got here just in time, she's had a lot to drink and she hasn't been eating so..." I nodded and drove us to my house. We laid Gabby down on the couch and Stephanie followed me out to the kitchen to grab water and some Advil. Reagan was sitting in front of her caressing her face when we got back and Stephanie cleared her throat. She went upstairs and came back with some pajamas and I told Stephanie to come in the kitchen with me. She was hesitant but gave in. "this place is fucking huge" she said looking around. I smiled and offered her a cold water bottle which she gladly accepted.

"How long has she been like this for?" I asked sitting next to her.

"She came over and was having a panic attack, I guess everything was just too much. She told me what happened and I thought if we went out she would forget about it and feel better, but even when we got there she was just depressed. She doesn't deserve this." she whispered to herself and I sat there and admired how much she cared for her friend. I've never once had a best friend. Reagan has always been it for me and It was enough.

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