"Tadashi Yamaguchi."

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While walking to school you noticed a small crowd a girls. Trying take a closer look you noticed a green-haired boy.

"What are you guys doing??" You ask walking up to them, "He won't tell us Tsukki's favorite snacks and food!" One girl yelled. You look back at the boy who was about to burst into tears.

You sighed and put on a fake bright smile,

"Omg omg! Well I heard that Tsukki's snack is chocolate cookies! I think he's at the convenience store right now!" You said energetically.

The girls squealed and left to the store, you look back at the boy wiping his tears. "Y-you know t-those aren't h-his favorite s-snacks." He said. "I don't even know who Tsukki or whatever his name is, you okay?" You ask chuckling.

He stood up and damn he was tall.

"Woah you're tall." You blurted out, "Wait-I'm so so so so sorry I didn't mean to say that." You said panicking.

"It's alright..I-I'm uh..Tadashi Yamaguchi." He held out his hand, "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." You shook his hand.

"Yamaguchi, let's go we'll be late."

You turn to see a tall, blonde boy with glasses. "Eep!" You jump and went over to Yamaguchi's side. "R-right, see you around y/n." He said then walking with the blonde dude.

"Alright class we have a new student today, I'd like for you all to make her feel welcome."

You slid open the door then walked in, "Hello I'm Y/n, nice to meet you all." You said bowing to the class.

"Alright Y/n, I'd like for you to sit next to Yamaguchi."

You looked up shocked and see him raising his hand.

You nod and sat down next to him, you both didn't say a word. Your hands were sweating like crazy and you were playing with your fingers.
Tsukishima's POV
Back to this morning~

"Who was that girl?" I asked, "O-oh she just helped me w-with those g-girls.." Yamaguchi answered.

"Seems like she's new." I said, "Y-yea." I noticed a pink tint on Yamaguchi's face. Looks like someone has a little crush..I chuckled to myself and continued walking.

She sat down next to him, both of them didn't say a word. She was playing with her fingers and it was obvious she was nervous. Those too are hopeless...I sighed and went back to the board.
Y/n's POV~

It was break time and you decided to look around the school.

"HINATA BOKE!" Was all you heard before you crashed and fell onto the floor. "I'm so so sorry! Let me help you up!" The orange haired boy said picking up your books.

"It's alright.." You sat up and rubbed the back of your head. Looking up, you saw...a kid..?

"I'm Shoyo Hinata, first year!" Your eyes widen, A FIRST YEAR... He wasn't that short to you but he had the energy of one.

"O-oh I'm Y/n..first year as well." You said taking back your books and standing up. "I'm Tobio Kageyama first year." The other boy bowed.

"W-well I'll see you guys around then.." You waved both goodbye and continued your tour around the school.

While in class someone passed you a note, "Pass it to Yamaguchi." Was written on it. You handed it to him, he took it and look at you in confusion. You just shrugged your shoulders and went back to taking notes.

You heard the note open and a sigh. You turn over to him writing down the notes, his handwriting is so nice...You turn back to yours. It was neat but his was so organized.

As you were walking through the halls a beautiful girl was handing out flyers.

"Excuse me are you in a club?" She asks coming up to you.

Author's note~
Yamaguchi is so cute~ I would literally sell my friend for him. Anyways see you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now