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"N-no.." She handed me a flyer, "Looking for managers for the boy's volleyball team."

You listened to her talk about being the manager, "So what do you think about it?" She asks.

"I guess.." You were a bit confused and just agreed. "Great! Thank you so much, I'm Kiyoko a third year." She shook your hand. "I'm Y/n.."

She told you when practice would be open and to come whenever. You decided to come after class since you had nothing to do.

You slid open the door revealing a practice match, no attention went to you as you quietly made your way over to Kiyoko.

You both watched the match until you saw something familiar, YAMAGUCHI??!! You chocked on air as Kiyoko pats your backs.

"You okay Y/n?" She asks, you nod and look back. You then noticed the two boys from yesterday and chocked on air again. Is everyone just in volleyball??? You calm yourself down and try to focus.

The match ended with Hinata's team winning, no one really noticed you were there since you hid behind Kiyoko.

She announced for everyone to come over, "Wow Kiyoko a new manager already?" The gray-haired boy asked.

She nods and motions you to come out, you slowly stepped out from behind.

"H-hi..I-I'm Y/n.."

"SHE'S CUTE!!!" The shaved head guy yelled "Shut it Tanaka." The gray-hair boy said pulling him back. Everyone introduced themselves besides Kageyama, Hinata and Yamaguchi.

"Y/n..I-I didn't know you w-wanted to be manager.." Yamaguchi says coming up to you, "To be honest, I just thought it'd be fun since I have nothing to do." You answered.

The tall blonde boy comes up next to Yamaguchi. "Is this the famous Tsukki dude?" You ask Yamaguchi, "It's Tsukishima." The blonde boy said rolling his eyes. "Ah sorry." You look back at Yamaguchi, "I think I'll be going now..see you in class.." You waved him and the rest of the team goodbye and head to class.

"I'd like for you guys to turn your partner and give your opinions." You turn to Yamaguchi and both sat there in silence.

"I think it's a good idea.." You said breaking the silence, "Same.." you both went turn back and didn't say anything while everyone else was talking.

Looking in your bag you noticed the candy from earlier, you opened the bag and shove some candy into your mouth. In the corner of your eyes Yamaguchi was eyeing the candy, "Want some?" You ask.

He nods and you put the bag between the both of you.

"So..how did you and Tsukishima meet..?" You ask trying to starts conversation, "Well..when I was little, I was being bullied then he came and scared them away.."

"Why were you being bullied..?" You asked since..well..he was kinda cute.. "Cause of my freckles.." You stared at him in disbelief.

"I think they're cute." You blurted out, you slapped a hand over your mouth. "I-I'm g-gonna go to t-the b-bathroom!" You said getting up then running out of the class.
Yamaguchi's POV~

She stood up and left running to the bathroom. "Someone thinks your freckles are cute~" Tsukishima teases, "Y-yea.." I felt my face getting red.

She doesn't like me..she's only talking to me because of Tsukki...It was always like this, a girl would get close to me than ask about Tsukishima. She's not actually interested in me..right?
Y/n's POV~

After spending at least 5 minutes in the bathroom you went back to class to see everyone still talking.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Yamaguchi asks, "Y-yea.." you tried not to look at him or else it would cause you to blush.

Author's note~
I did not expect for this story to be so hard to write because I love yamaguchi. Usually I can come up with stories within a few days but I think cause no one rlly simps for him. Oh well, see you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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