"His clothes"

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"Why you look lovely in Tadashi's clothes!" Mrs.Yams said as you entered the kitchen.

"T-thanks Mrs.Yams..is there anything I can help with?" You asked "Help me cut the vegetables." She pointed to the cutting board with all kinds of vegetables. You nodded then went over, "So..how did you and Tadashi meet?" She asks.

"Well..there was girls causing problems with him and I came over to help. Then I saw him again in my class then volleyball.." You explained while cutting the vegetables up.

"Must be faith then, he's very lucky to have you." She gave you a soft smile, and boy were their smiles alike.

"Thank you, I feel lucky to have him as well." You handed the cutting board and she thanked you.

"Go call Tadashi down for dinner will you?" You nodded and went upstairs.

"Yamaguchi, dinner's ready." You opened the door to see him listening to music while reading. You chuckled and took a picture while he was distracted, you walked over and tapped on his book.

He jumped then looked up and saw you. "Oh sorry I was reading, what is it?" He asks taking out his earbuds. "I said dinner's ready." You giggled, "Oh then let's head downstairs." He said then crouched down. "What are you doing?" You asked "Get on, I'll give you a back ride." He turned then smiled. "Alright then.." You got on his back and laughed as he carried you downstairs.

"I see you kids are having fun." Mrs.Yams giggled as he set you down, "What's for dinner mom?" He asks walking over to the stove.

"Just some rice and curry, Y/n helped me make it." She smiled at you, "All I did was cut up the vegetables Mrs. Yams." You chuckled.

"Would you like to join us for dinner as well? I texted your mom and she said she's coming over." She placed down a plate for you, "I would love to." You gave her a smile before helping set up the table.

"And you're wearing his clothes!" Your mom exclaimed, you choked on your food and Yamaguchi handed you his water.

"T-thanks." You said handing him back the water, "Right? So about the grandkids-"

"Mom!" He yelled with a flustered face.

"I'm pretty full, thank you for the dinner. I'll go grab my stuff.." You said getting up from the table.
(Next day)

"Trying to play volleyball Y/n?" Suga asks looking at the ball in your hand, "Well it seems fun, but I don't really plan on learning everything." You said then serving the ball over the net.

"Seems like you can serve already." Suga says handing you another ball, "Yea, but it's not perfect." You looked at the others who was practicing their jump float serve.

"Hey Suga..how long do you think it'll take to do that?" You ask pointing to them, "Awhile..it's pretty hard to perfect, you plan on learning it?" You nod and continue watching and observing their every move.

It was the end of practice, Kageyama and Hinata stayed back for a bit to practice some more.

"May I join?" You ask peeking through the door, "Of course Y/n!" Hinata says jumping.

You grabbed a ball and went deep in thought,

Remember their moves...You sighed then opened your eyes.

You ran and threw up the ball then jumping to hit it.

The ball landed on the other side and was in.

"That was awesome Y/n!" Hinata says jumping up and down, "When did you learn that?" Kageyama asks. "I just observed everyone's moves." You said shrugging your shoulders then turned to the door where Yamaguchi stood in shock.

"O-oh..hey Yamaguchi.." You waved, "Wow..that was amazing..." He said walking to you. "Thanks!" You gave him a hug then grabbed your bag, "We'll be heading home now, bye!" You waved to the two and left.
(Next day)

"Is the whole team here?" You look and saw the principal, "Guys! Principal is here." You said calling the team over.

"Is something wrong sensei?" Daichi asks,

"The elementary school asked us to hold a play of "Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs." we decided to have you guys do it since it was the perfect amount of people." The principal handed you all a packet.

"You guys can do the casting yourselves, the play will be next month. If you are not participating in the play then you will be helping with props." The principal said then leaving.

"HUHHHHHHHHHHH?" You all yelled, "W-what about practice??" Hinata says flipping through the pages. "Now now..calm down everyone..this is for the kids! We don't wanna disappoint them do we?" Suga says looking at the cast.


"I'm not being Snow White." She says then looking at you, "I'll be Evil Queen which makes Y/n, Snow White."

"W-wait what?" You looked through the pages, of course you were the main character.

"Alright who wants to be in the play and who wants to help with props?" Daichi says looking around.

After 30 minutes of deciding, the cast was finally done.

Snow White- You
Evil Queen- Kiyoko
Prince- ?
Magic mirror- Asahi
Huntsman- Tanaka
Dopey- Hinata
Sleepy- Narita
Bashful- Nishinoya
Sneezy- Ennoshita
Grumpy- Kageyama
Doc- Daichi
Happy- Sugawara

"Now..who's gonna be the Prince?" Suga asks looking at everyone. All eyes went on Yamaguchi then you. "Makes sense." Asahi says, "Tsukishima, you and Kinoshita will be in charge of props." Suga says checking off things on his notebook.

"Asahi and Yamaguchi, you guys only have a few lines. Think you could help them out?" He asks, they nod went to stand with the other two.

"Well let's start now!" Daichi says clapping his hand together.
Author's note~


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now