"Dance Baby"

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"What a successful day!" Akemi exclaims stretching out her arms with shopping bags in hand. "We should hang out more Y/n, you're pretty cool." Miou says smiling at you, "Definitely." You said continuing to walk.

"Hey isn't that.." All attention goes towards to the group of boys walking, "Shoot! We gotta hide Y/n!" Akemi says then dragging you into a random store.

"I didn't know your boyfriend and his friends were going to the same mall as us!" Aiko says taking a peek, "Me neither.." You said leaning against the wall.

"That guy with black hair is cute..Kageyama you said?" Miou asks, you nod and decided to take a peek as well.

"Well I think they're gone so let's get out of here while we can." Akemi says stepping out of the shop, you nod and follow behind.
(The day before the party)

"So what color is your dress?" Yamaguchi asks while you both walked to class, "I'm not telling, you gotta find out until then." You said giving him a smirk.

"Fair enough." He says opening the door to your class.

"Hey Y/n~ and Y/n's boyfriend~" Akemi says giving you both a smirk, "You guys know his name, no need to say that out loud.." You said as your face got red.

"I don't mind, let's everyone knows you're mine." He says giving an innocent smile then walking to his desk. "ooo~" The three of them went, you rushed over to your desk and sat down next to him trying to hide the blush.

"When did you become so confident.." You muttered, "Oh darling I can be way more confident than that." He says giving an innocent face. "D-Darling?!" You quickly became flustered, he chuckled and didn't say another word.
(Night of Masquerade party)

You carefully tied your mask trying not to mess up your hair.

"Y/n! Your friends are here!" Your mom yelled, you rushed downstairs in your dark green dress.

"Wow Y/n..Yamaguchi is gonna love that." Aiko says giving a smirk, "We'll see, he just gonna find me first." You said slipping on your heels.

You all decided to enter separately since it would cause more attention if it were a group.

You talked to everyone through text since it was best to stay far from each other.

So where's Kageyama?

I can't tell...it's so dark in here.

Right! The only light is from the stage and disco ball.

Let's try looking for the third-years then! Should be easy.

At the punch bowl, Nishinoya, Libero.

Damn he's short..

Aiko! Rude much?

Just being honest! What about that Hinata guy? He seems popular.

He has orange hair so should be easy to find him..

To Miou's left! He's standing next to Kageyama I believe!

Miou and Aiko quickly rushed over and began talking to the two. Leaving you and Akemi just standing there.

"Your boyfriend has a tall blonde friend right? Maybe try finding him?" Akemi says scooting closer to you. "I don't wanna find him first, I want him to find me. Let's see how observant he is.." You chuckled, "Playing hard to get? I see.." She says taking a sip of the fruit punch.

"Well he has until 10 to do so." You said watching Miou and Kageyama chat.

"We should keep an eye around Hinata and Kageyama, he might be around them." You agree and continued to watch the party.

After an hour of watching the party, attention was brought to the stage. The teacher announced that some music was going to be played since it got quiet.

You and Akemi headed over with the crowd since Miou and Aiko were busy with Hinata and Kageyama.

The crowd cheered and clapped as the "band" of five walked to the stage.

"We'll be playing, Dance Baby by Boy Pablo." The drummer announced, though he did look familiar. Everyone on the stage did, you look over and saw Hinata and Kageyama still talking to the other two. "Weird.." You mumbled. The band began playing and the crowd went wild.

"I'm sitting alone
Nobody to hold
The people in here are crazy
Faking a smile now
Been here for a while now
I'm fed up with this
I just wanna go home
But damn, that girl
Set me up with her."

The song was catchy and you ended up dancing to the music. "Hey doesn't that sound familiar!" Akemi yelled while dancing with you, "No? What do you mean?!" You yelled over the music and the crowed singing along. She shook her head and continued dancing.

The song ended and you look back up at the stage to meet eyes with the lead guitarist. The slow dance music played and he looked away rushing off the stage.

"He still hasn't found you?" Akemi asks turning to you, "Yea..I guess the crowd is just too big." You sigh and watched as everyone else got into pairs and danced.

"May I have this dance?"

You turn to see the lead guitarist, skeptical you accept.

"So what's your name..?" You asks as he puts his hand on your waist, "It's a masquerade, everyone stays mysterious until time is up." He says beginning the dance. You chuckled and continued to dance.

The song ends, "Thanks for the dance, see you around if I ever find out who you are." You said walking away.

He grabs your wrist and pulls you in for a kiss.

"Everyone, time to reveal yourself." The speaker announced.

With your arms wrapped around his neck, you pull the ribbon of his mask. The mask came off revealing the person you wanted to see.

"Knew it was you." You said pulling out from the kiss, "Spotted you right when you entered." Yamaguchi says pulling you into another kiss.

"Let's ditch this party?" You ask taking off your mask, he nods "I'll see you outside." He says then rushing off.

"Looks like you finally figured it out." You turn to see Akemi, Aiko, and Miou. "You guys knew?!" You asks them, they burst out laughing.

"A little, we bumped into his friend and he told us everything." Akemi explains, "Never knew your boyfriend could play and sing." You shrugged your shoulders and told them you were ditching the party.

They understood and waved goodbye as you walked out of the party.
Author's note~

If you didn't notice, I put the song up if you wanted to listen to "Dance Baby" it's a really good song and is such a mood.

See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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