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"Y/n...Y/n...wake up." You open your eyes to Yamaguchi, "Did I fall asleep..?" You ask.

"Y-yea..but you can copy down my notes." He slid over his notebook and you began copying them down. "Wanna go to the library to work on the project?" He nods and you both get up and head over to library.

I..can't..reach..it..! The book was inches away from your finger. "O-oh! Let me help you Y/n!" Yamaguchi says coming up behind.

He hands you the book, "Ah thanks Yamaguchi, let's go find a table now." You both go and look for a table but to find them all taken.

"I'm sorry but you guys can work on the floor if you would like." said the librarian, you look at Yamaguchi who just shrugged his shoulders.

You both sat against the wall working on different parts of the project.

"Ahh~ this is so uncomfortable.." You groaned changing positions for the 10th time.

"I agree but it seems like all the tables are still occupied.." Yamaguchi says looking around, "Are you...still scared of butterflies..?" He asks.

"Well..I guess they aren't as bad..so I guess not!" You said giving him a smile. "Do you have any fears?" You ask.

"Well..I'm scared of working so hard into something for it to fail in the end.." His face expression changed, "Well maybe I could help you with that!" You said.

"How?" He asks, "Didn't you want to learn how to do the jump float serve? I'll help you!" He looks at you with a surprised face. "Really..?" You nod and gave him a smile, "Thank you so much Y/n.." He says.

While working on the project you felt your eyes getting heavy and heavier by the minute. Your head laid on the closest thing next to you which was..Yamaguchi...

You felt him jump a bit but didn't move.
Yamaguchi's POV~

I jumped when I felt something on my shoulder, I look over to see Y/n passed out.

She looked so peaceful so I just let her sleep on my shoulder for a bit. I looked at the notebook in her lap, it was a sketch of the butterflies we saw at the museum.

I didn't want to get close to her but..part of me wanted to. I didn't want to get hurt again.
Y/n's POV~

I woke up to the sounds of books and papers being shuffled around.

"Oh you're awake Y/n." Yamaguchi says putting the books in his bags, you nod then wiped the drool of your face.

You look at his shoulder and noticed some of your drool on it.

"Ah! I drooled on your shirt! Sorry!" You frantically said, he chuckles a bit. "It's alright Y/n, it means you slept good." He says getting up.

"We should head to practice now." He said helping you up, you nod and grab your bag before heading to practice.

Author's note~
Okay so after seeing some Haikyuu imagines on tik tok I got some great inspiration! See you in the next chapter!


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now