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"What you looking at?" You asked walking up to Yamaguchi, "Oh well I heard there was a new music room, kind of wanted to check it out." He says turning away from the room.

"Looks nice inside, planning to play an instrument?" You ask walking besides him, "Maybe..like a guitar or piano sounds nice.." He answers opening the door to your class.

"So what did you think of our first years?" You ask sitting down at your desk, "Well they seem a bit shy, still haven't seen them play though." Yamaguchi says sitting down next to you.

"You still plan on writing these letters?" You ask pulling over one of the letters from this morning. "Yep, I don't plan on stopping until we graduate." He says smiling. You blushed and roll your eyes smiling to yourself.

"Ta-da!" You said finishing Yamaguchi's small ponytail, "H-How does it look?" He asks turning to the rest of the team. "Good, your hair won't get in the way anymore." Ennoshita says giving a thumbs up.

"Thanks and thank you Y/n." He says planting a small kiss on your forehead, "N-No problem!" You said getting red.

"Alright! We'll be doing the practice match with you first years, Kageyama and Nishinoya get on their sides." Ennoshita directs, they nod and went over with the first years.

"Don't worry, you guys will do fine." You reassured putting a hand on their shoulders, "T-Thank you Y/n-San!" They yelled blushing.

"No problem, good luck." You said before walking back over to the bench.

While making your way to your next class, something came from the music room.

"Ask me why my heart's inside my throat
I've never been in love, I've been alone
Feel like I've been living life asleep
Love so strong it makes me feel so weak."

You backed up and listened closely to the door.

Accidentally leaning on the door knob, the door swings open causing you to fall flat on your face.

"Ow..embarrassing..." You mumbled rubbing your forehead, "Are you okay? O-Oh..Y/n..?" You looked up to see Yamaguchi and a guitar in his hand. "Y-Yea..sorry didn't mean to disrupt you.." You said getting up, "What were you singing?"You asked pointing to the guitar.

"O-Oh! J-Just something.." He says looking in another direction, "Ah..okay..well I'll be heading to class now, see you!" You waved left rushing off to your next class.

"Valentine's day party..? Sounds nice." You said while walking home, "They're asking for volunteers, I'm tall so I might sign up to help with the decorations." He says looking at the flyer.

"Theme is masquerade? That's smart!" You said looking over, "Kind of spooky since everyone will be wearing a mask." He says folding up the paper. "Though it'll be hard finding a dress that will match the mask." He nods as you both continue to walk.
(Next day)

"Hey Y/n! Wanna come with us to shop for dresses?" You looked up to see a few girls crowding around you, "Oh sure, when?" You ask putting your pencil down. "This weekend, we'll be meeting up at the mall." Says the girl with blonde hair.

"Here's our numbers, see you then!" The girls left leaving you with a paper with all of their numbers.

"I have to go buy a suit as well, forgot about that.." Yamaguchi says turning to you, "I wonder why they invited me..I mean we talked a few times but it's not like we're friends." You said sliding the paper into your pocket.

Classes ended and you made your way to your shoe locker, a letter fell out as slid on your shoes.

Meet me at the back of the school.

-Y. T

You shrugged your shoulders and headed to the back of the school.

"Yamaguchi? Are you here?" You ask arriving at the back of the school. Two hands covered your eyes causing you to jump, "Guess who~" The voice was very familiar.

"Hm..I wonder who?" You joked, the hands were lifted from your eyes. You turned to see Yamaguchi with a rose in hand.

"What's this?" You ask with your face growling red, "B-Be my date to t-the party?" He asks holding out the rose. You smiled and pulled him into a kiss, "Definitely." He blushes and smiles.

"Y/n!! You made it!" One of the girl yelled running towards you then giving you a hug.

"Let me introduce you to everyone. I'm Akemi and this is Aiko and Miou!" She said pointing to them, they waved and smiled. "Nice to meet you guys..um..not trying to be rude but why did you guys invite me?" You ask.

"Well..we noticed you don't really talk much and you're the manager of the boys volleyball team..." Aiko answered then giving you that look.

"You want me to set you guys up with the team?" They nodded and smiled, "Well..one of them is taken, one is salty, one is hyper and one is focused on volleyball. Unless you wanna go with one of our new first years or third years then I'll try." You explained. "Well..worth a shot!" Akemi exclaims, "Alright well let's start shopping now that we are all here." Aiko says beginning to walk.

"So got a date Y/n? I see you talking to that green haired boy~ he seems interested in you too." Aiko says smirking at you.

"Actually...he's my boyfriend.." They all stopped and stared at you in disbelief. "EHH? REALLY?" Mia yells, you nod and they started asking a million question.

"His name is Yamaguchi, he's a middle blocker, I confessed first, he's nice and cute." You answered, "No wonder you guys always run off together." Akemi said smirking.

"Let's head in here." Miou says pointing to a store, you all nod and walked into the store.

"The dress code is that it can't be too big." Aiko says looking at the flyer, "Has to have straps and can't not trail behind you." She continues.

"Not too bad, look at these!" Akemi says pointing to a lavender dress, "I would look amazing in this!" She held up to her chest and spun around in front of a mirror. You nod and went over to the others, "This one is nice, what do you think?" Miou asks turning to you.

"It would look good on you, try it on!" She smiles and heads to the fitting rooms. "Y/n! Try this on!" Miou says shoving a dark green dress to you, "You'll look great! Plus it matches his hair~" She says nudging you. "T-True.." You blushed and headed to the fitting rooms.

"Well...how is it..?" You ask stepping out of the fitting room, "Amazing!" They yelled. "You guys look great as well!" You said looking at them in their dresses, "Picture time!" Akemi says dragging everyone to the mirror.

Everyone held up a peace sign and smiled. "Perfect! Let's hold onto these and look around some more!" She says then walking back into the dressing rooms.
Author's note~

Heyo~ i didn't want Y/n to be lonely so I gave her some friends, and when you guys comment I get really happy cause it means you guys are reading it! Also it helps me since I always go to the comment and reread the chapter. Sometimes I find mistakes and quickly fix them! Anyways see you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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