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"This sucks..." You looked at the quiz in front of you and wanted to rip it into millions of pieces.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Yamaguchi asks sitting down on his bed next to you, "I failed the quiz..I studied hard too!" You explained as he looked through the questions. "Well you did fine...I don't know why the teacher marked these wrong then.." He says looking back up at you.

"This is gonna effect my grades so much.." You said with tears forming, it was only one grade but yet it meant everything to you.

"Y/n...don't cry!" He says giving you a hug, his hugs were always comforting. They made you feel so warm and comfortable.

"It's alright Yamaguchi...I'll just do better next time then.." You said then shoving the paper in your bag, "What's that?" He asks pointing at one of your pencil bags. "Oh just a small makeup bag, why?" You ask taking out the bag.

"Well..I heard that um...when girls are sad...erm...they put m-makeup on their b-boyfriends.." He says growing red, "Oh yea..I guess that would make me feel a bit better, can I?" You ask holding up a makeup brush.

He nods and goes to put his hair up.

"I don't wanna cover your freckles..so I'll just draw them on afterwards!" You said as you did his makeup.

"Hehe! There you go!" You said removing your hands from his eyes. He leans closer to the mirror and looks back at you in shock, "I love it!" He says smiling at you.

"Thanks! Wanna take it off now?" You ask handing him the makeup remover wipes, "But I don't wanna ruin your artwork." He says looking at the wipes. "Don't worry about it, they'll be more times where I'm feeling down!" You said as you began wiping the makeup off.

You woke up to the sound of rustling.

Turning over you noticed Yamaguchi wasn't sleeping next to you, the clock read 1am. Looking up a tall figure was facing it's back at you, it was definitely Yamaguchi.

As you were about to ask him what's going on, he began taking of his shirt. You quickly turned back around trying to not make a sound, luckily it was dark so the blush on your face wasn't noticeable.

You heard the door slowly creep open,

"Yamaguchi..? Where are you going?" You ask sitting up, he turns around holding a volleyball and volleyball shoes. "O-Oh sorry...didn't mean to wake you..I-I was planning on practicing my serves.." He says walking back over to you.

"I'll come with you..I have the keys to the gym." You said getting up and grabbing your clothes. "Y-You don't have too! I-I can go on my own.." He says turning on the lamp. "I'll be out in five." You reassured, he nods and went out to the front.

"That was out, next one." You said handing him a ball, he sighs and goes back to serving.

It's been an hour since you guys arrived at the gym, you were tired but as long as you kept Yamaguchi company then it was okay.

"Hey Y/n...d-do you like being with m-me..?" He asks turning to you. "Of course I do! I wouldn't be here if I didn't, you're the best thing that ever happened to me." You answered. He blushes and smiles to himself. While walking over to one of the balls you tripped and fall flat on your face.

"This is embarrassing.." You mumbled to yourself as Yamaguchi ran over to you, "Y/n! Are you okay? Your forehead is red.." He says cupping your face. "I feel fine, don't worry!" You reassured him, he then gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Hopefully that helped." He says smiling, you blushed and gave him a kiss not on the lips. But on his freckles.

"Just so you know that your freckles are beautiful." He grew red and went back to serving.

"Sweet bed.." You said flopping onto his bed, it was 5am and your eyes grew heavy.

"I guess we'll be sleeping in today." He says laying down next to you, "Yep! Goodnight then or..good morning hehe!" You said then falling fast asleep.
(Few weeks later)
Yamaguchi's POV~

"Suga! Daichi!" I whispered to them while motioning them to come over. Suga nudged Daichi and they both came over confused.

"What is it Yamaguchi?" Daichi asks, "S-So um..Y/n's birthday is coming up a-and I don't know what to do for her...maybe you guys can help me..?" They looked at each other and smiled.

"Well take her out to breakfast and spend the day together." Sugawara explains, "After that surprise her with gifts, set up little things in her room!" Daichi says showing an example picture.

"O-Okay...b-but what do I buy? She never tells me what she likes.." I said trying to think of all of our moments together.

"Yamaguchi, Y/n is a simple girl. Don't worry about it too much, if anything ask Kiyoko to help or Tsukishima." Sugawara says, I nodded and thanked them.

"T-Tsukki...um..c-could you help me with some things..?" I asked tapping on his shoulder. "Like what?" His cold response scared me already, I explained to him about Y/n's birthday. "Sure I guess..I know some nice places around here." I looked at him in disbelief. "What is it?" He asks, "N-Nothing! Thank you so much Tsukki!" He nods and went back to practice.

That week Kiyoko and I went shopping for Y/n.

"These." I went over to see what Kiyoko was looking at, "Macaroons?" She nods and told me Y/n's favorite flavors. "Ah okay, I'll take those then." I said looking up at the baker, he nods and carefully placed the macaroons in a box.

"You sure do know a lot about Y/n...you guys talk?" I ask as we walked out of the bakery.

She nods, "She's a fun person to talk too, we share the same interests so that's nice." She says looking around at the other shops.

"I agree, is there anything else I should know about her?" I ask taking notes down on my phone, "She's competitive, so I think taking her bowling is nice. Make sure to let her win." I nod and wrote it down.

"I wouldn't say buy her jewelry, she doesn't wear them often. She does like little keychains though, which we already picked up." She said holding up a bag. "Flowers are nice, she likes all kinds of flowers." She says walking over to a flower cart.

"This will do." She pointed at a bouquet of flowers, I handed the worker the money and she bagged it for me.

"We'll probably be out for awhile..I think I'll have Sugawara and Daichi set it up in her room.." I said looking at the bags in my hand.

"I'll come as well." I nodded and continued to walk.
Author's note~

So...I finally thought of an ending...Makes me sad the fact this story is coming to an end soon but other fanfics are too come! *coughs* Oikawa x reader *coughs* anyways! See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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