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"Y-yamaguchi..are you two..DATING??" Tanaka asks, "Well..no point in lying..but yep.." Yamaguchi says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Never thought you two would be a couple.." Daichi says with a shocked face, "I think they're a good match." Tsukishima says giving a small smile to Yamaguchi. "Wasn't much of a surprise since they were alone in the gym together." Kageyama says causing everyone to think other things.

"DID YOU TWO-" Suga says with a worried face, "No! No! We didn't at all!" You said waving your hands around. "We just started dating!" Yamaguchi explains.

"Oh my god..had me there for a second." Suga says trying to breath, "Yamaguchi you sly dog!" Nishinoya says slapping his back. "Can't believe a first year got a girlfriend before I could.." Tanaka says crying into Asahi's shoulder.

"Well I guess the truth is out now.." You said while walking home, "Heh yea..but I don't mind them knowing.." You smiled at him then felt droplets on your face.

"I think it's raining, let's hurry to your house." He said grabbing your hand, "Wait! I kinda..left my keys at home..and my mom is at work..." You said stopping. "Oh okay, then we can go to my house for the time being." You nodded and both ran in the pouring rain.

As you were running he stopped and took off his jacket putting it on your head, "Yamaguchi, you'll get sick!" You said as the rain poured even harder.

"It's fine, let's just hurry home!" He used his bag as a umbrella and you both ran home.

"Finally..." You said leaning on the door, "That was crazy..." He said setting down his wet bag, "You both are dripping wet.." His mom said getting up from the couch.

"Sorry Mrs.Yams, I left my keys at home and my mom is at work.." You said bowing to her, "It's alright darling! You can come whenever you like, also you should change out of those clothes..you'll get sick." She said then looking at Yamaguchi.

"My clothes are in the laundry right now so give her yours." She smirks then walking to the kitchen.  "R-right.." He said then leading you to his room.

After a few minutes of him going through his dresser he handed you sweatpants and his t-shirt. "I-I think it'll f-fit..." He says looking away, "T-thanks.." You headed to the bathroom. Mrs.Yams said the purple bottle was shampoo and the yellow bottle was the body wash. You looked around and found the bottles and showered.

You look in the mirror, the pants was a bit big but you tied it and the shirt was baggy.

Wait..what if...You smelled the shirt and felt your face getting red. Smells like him! You started freaking out then realized that he had to shower as well.

You entered his room and saw him sitting on the bed, "D-do they fit..?" He asks then looks up at you. His face got tomato red and quickly looked away, "Pants are a bit big but they fit.." You said putting your school uniform in a bag.

"You should go shower, you've been sitting in your wet clothes every since we got here." You said pulling out your project, "R-Right.." He got up and left to the bathroom.

Mrs. Yams had gave you a hairbrush and blow dryer for your hair, you blew dry your hair then brush it.

The door opened and Yamaguchi sat down on his bed with a pink tint on his face. He looked at you as you motioned him to come over.

"What is it?" He asks sitting down on the floor with you, "I'll blow dry your hair." You turned on the hair dryer and dried his hair.

In the mirror you saw him smiled a bit, you could tell he secretly liked your touch.

"All done!" You said turning the hair dryer off, "Thanks Y/n.." He said brushing his hair.

"Let's work on our project while we're at it." He nodded and scooted over to you.
Author's note~


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now