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Author's note: btw "M/n" will stand for "Mom's name" since of course I have no idea what your mom's name is lol.

"Y/n!" You turn to see Yamaguchi walking towards you, "What is it?" You ask turning to him. "I texted my mom about dinner, she said Friday night is fine!" You looked at him in disbelief. "R-really? That's great, I'll tell my mom!" You said smiling, "And I'll walk you home..again..heh" He said slightly blushing.

"Are you planning to walk me home regularly now?" You joked, "Y-yea..I don't want something happening to you.." He said looking down at his feet.

You placed a hand on his shoulder, he looks at you with a shocked face. "Don't worry Yamaguchi, I feel safe whenever you're around." You said giving him a soft smile. He nods and you both continue walking.
(Friday Night)

"Mom..why are you bringing so much stuff?" You ask looking at her bag, "Cause, I am." You shrug your shoulders and went to put on a nice outfit.

You arrive at the address Yamaguchi had gave you, it was a two-story house and had a beautiful garden.

Ringing the doorbell you noticed your mom was a bit nervous. "You okay mom?" You ask her, "Y-yea.." She took a deep breath then finally relaxed.

""H-hey Y/n! Come in!" Yamaguchi says opening the door, "Yamaguchi! Hey! I brought my mom!" You said nudging your mom. "Thank you Tadashi, where's your mom?" She asks as you both took off your shoes.

"She's in the kitchen right now, I'll show you the way!" Yamaguchi said leading the way.

"Mom! The guests are here!" Yamaguchi says as you all entered the kitchen, the women turns and widen her eyes. You look at your mom who's also in shock, Yamaguchi turns to you confused.

"M/n..?" The women said turning off the faucet , "Oh it is you!!" Your mom rushed over to her and gave her a big hug.

"What's going on..?" You whisper to him, he shrugged his shoulders as you both stare in confusion. "I haven't seen you in years!" Your mom cried, "I'm so sorry M/n.." The woman said.

After a few cries they finally calmed down, "So..can you explain to us what is happening..?" You ask your mom.

"O-oh yea...Me and his mom were high school best friends. I lost contact with her after having to move." She said wiping her tears.

"But thanks to you two we were able to see each other again, call me Mrs. Yams." She held out her hand, "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you!" You said shaking her hand.

"Funny thing, three months after I had Yamaguchi, your mom had you." She said looking at your mom, "I remember after Yamaguchi had met you he always wanted to see you." Your mom said turning to you.

You turn to Yamaguchi who was red as a tomato. "Wait! I have some pictures of you two playing together!" Mrs. Yams said getting up and grabbing a book off the shelf.

She flipped through a few pages then stopped turning to you both.

"You probably don't remember each other but you guys were really close even though you only knew each other for two years.."

You both look at the picture, it was you handing him a stuffed toy while he was crying.

Even though most pictures was him crying it was surprising that you both were basically "childhood befriends" .

"Wait! I have some videos, let's head to the living room!" Mrs.Yams said getting up.

The video started with you messing around with blocks. Then Yamaguchi coming over with a Dino plushie in hand, you both were babies so it was gibberish that was being heard.

Moments later you threw a block at his hand.

You gasp slapping your hand over your mouth, both moms bursts out laughing.

You look over Yamaguchi who was a bit shocked, "Wow..a block at my head already.." He said chuckling. "I didn't mean too! I was a baby!" You said panicking as both moms was dying from laughter. He laughs then goes back to the video.

The video continues with Yamaguchi crying as you sat there continued to play with the blocks

"Y/n..say sorry.."



You felt so embarrassed for hitting him with a block even though you were a baby. The moms continued dying of laughter while you and Yamaguchi die of embarrassment.

"Y/n~ say sorry!"


"Do it!"


Baby You ended up giving Yamaguchi a kiss on the forehead. Baby Yamaguchi stopped crying than handed you the stuff animal, you took the stuff animal hugging it tightly.

The video ended and you were red as hell.

"You both were so cute as a baby!!" Your mom said looking through the scrapbook she brought.

"I-I think I'll show Y/n around mom.." Yamaguchi says getting up, "Alright, have fun you two!"

Author's note~
I'm gonna be on a road trip tmr so I'll be posting more chapters! Although I don't rlly know how to end this story yet...
See you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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