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The auditorium was filled with kids, teachers and parents. "I'm so nervous.." You said then turned over to Yamaguchi who was freaking out.

"C-calm down Yamaguchi! All you have is two song and the first then last scene! It'll be okay!" You said reassuring him, "Y-you should get into t-the changing room..10 m-minutes before showtime.." He said pointing to the Kiyoko standing near the changing room door. You nod and went over to change into Snow White's dirty dress.

You ran to the backstage where the girls were holding up your next dress.

"Look away!" Michimiya yells as the girls unzipped your dress. The boys quickly looked the other way as you slid into your next dress.

The boys went and quickly changed the setting and you finally finished getting into your dress.

"Tanaka! Y/n! You guys are up!" Daichi yells and you both went on stage.
Yamaguchi's POV~

After changing the setting, Y/n and Tanaka went on stage.

I stood next to Tsukki and watched her act. "Bet you wanted to look at her huh?" Tsukki whispered in my ear. "W-what?! No! Never!" I said waving my hands around, he smirked and went back to the play.

I felt my face get deep red of embarrassment. At least I think it was embarrassment....
Y/n's POV~

You tried your best to hold in your laugh when the team was dressed as dwarfs. Though the kids were a bit confused since Kageyama and Daichi were huge.

Once they started singing you couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing.

"I-I'm sorry!" You said wiping your tears from laughing. "You better calm down, you're up next soon." Yamaguchi says chuckling.

Finally came the last scene, you laid down on the "bed" which was just mats.

The team stood around you looking down at the floor, a fake bouquet was placed in your hands.

Then finally entered the prince, the kids squealed since they all knew what was about to happened.

You heard his singing getting closer and closer, finally he stopped which meant..he was here.

He then placed his soft lips onto yours, you wanted to kiss him back but you couldn't.

After a few seconds passed you "woke up" and stretched out your arms yawning.

"Alright so since we don't have a horse..got any ideas?" Asked Daichi, the team stayed quiet since they didn't know much about romance.

"What if..Yamaguchi carried Y/n and spun her around in his arms then he sets her down and kisses her again?" Everyone turned and to your surprise...it was Tsukishima's idea.

"EH? WHO KNEW YOU'D BE SO ROMANTIC?" Tanaka yelled, "That's..really good...I guess we'll do that!" Suga says writing it down.
Back to Present~

He picked you up and spun you around as the animals and dwarfs danced.

He sets you down and pulls you into a kiss. The curtains closes with the kids cheering.

You pulled back and smiled, "Never thought you'd be my Prince." You giggled. He blushes and looks away, "S-should we get ready for curtain call..?" You nod and when backstage together.

The dwarfs and animals went out first and waved as the kids cheered. Kiyoko, Tanaka and Asahi came after, though Coach Ukai told everyone about Asahi's great costumes designs.

"Now we introduce you to the stars!"

You and Yamaguchi went out hand in hand waving to the kids, their cheers was a bit too loud but cute. For the sake of the kid's childhood you weren't allowed to call each other by your real names or say your real name.

Suddenly a hand goes up, "Can you two kiss again? It's so cute!" The kids agree and you look at the team then coach. They shrugged their shoulders the look back at the kids chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" you turned to Yamaguchi who was confused as well.

"I-I guess!" You said then giving him a kiss on the cheek. They cheered then suddenly your attention went to the two adults with their phone in hand.

"Yamaguchi...our moms..are here..." You whisper tilting your head at them, "Oh god.." He says groaning.

After the play, you all lined up near the exit and waved to each of the kids goodbye.

"That was so tiring..." You groaned walking to the backstage, "Yea...I think Daichi, Asahi and Tsukki are tired from carrying the kids on their back as well." Yamaguchi said chuckling.

You looked around for Kiyoko or at least one of the girls from the volleyball team but they were still chatting at the exit.

"Um...Yamaguchi could you..uh..unzip my dress...?" You felt your face get deep red, "O-oh! Uh..um..s-sure!" You turned around and moved your hair over to your shoulder.

After he unzipped your dress you turned around to see his face deep red as well. "I-I'll go change now! See you!" You said then closing the door to the changing room.

"Here you go Asahi, you keep this as a memory when you get famous!" You said handing him the bag with your dresses. "Thanks Y/n, I'll definitely remember this." He smiles, you turned to see Yamaguchi walking towards you.

After him unzipping your dress..you couldn't look at him the same again.

"S-so how d-did you t-think you did?" You said forcing the words out, "I think I did well, although most of it was me singing.." He answered then handed Asahi his costume.

"After that kiss...you guys are definitely more than friends.." You both turned to see your moms, "O-oh hey mom!" You try to avoid eye-contact with her but it was impossible.

They giggled then walk away whispering to each other.

"This play was actually really fun.." You said helping put up the props, "Yea..seeing those kids happy made me happy as well!" Hinata says then accidentally hitting Kageyama in the face.


You watched as they chased each other around the stage, "We missed a whole month of practice..but we'll just work harder." Daichi says. "Maybe we should hang out more often, you third-years won't be around for long.." You said placing the cardboard cutouts into the storage room.

"Good idea Y/n! Halloween is coming up, should we go somewhere together?" Noya asks turning back to the group, "There's a carnival, maybe we can go there?" Asahi says.

The team nodded but it took a while to get Tsukishima and Kageyama to come as well.

"Finally we can go home.." You groaned while walking out of the auditorium, "Didn't realize there was that much props.." Yamaguchi says yawning. You nodded and continued walking until he stopped. "What's wrong Yamaguchi?" You ask turning to him.

"W-would..y-you..l-like to um...well...s-sleepover..?"

Author's note~
I realized that I made an mistake in the other chapter cause I left it there to fix it later but never did 😻 so proud of myself.  See you in the next chapter!


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