"Not so bad, is it?"

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Luckily most of the butterflies were behind the glass so you weren't as nervous.

"To be honest this is a pretty easy topic." You said as you wrote down in your notes. "Yea, I heard Tsukki got a pretty hard one."

While walking Yamaguchi stops, "Look, we can actually see butterflies up close!" He pointed to clear building with butterflies flying around.

"Do you want to go in y/n?" He asks, the butterflies would probably fly away if you got near so..you nodded and both entered.

You felt your heart racing as you walked by butterflies, you held tightly onto your purse telling yourself it'll be over soon.

While walking a butterfly was flying your way, freaking out you tightly grab onto Yamaguchi's arm. "What's wrong Y/n??" He asks panicking, "I can't do it anymore, I have a fear of butterflies." You confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me before hand?" He asks, "Because it's embarrassing.." You said. "Well are you scared right now..?" He asked, "Not really.."

"Then open your eyes." You open your eyes to see a picture of you with a butterfly on your head. "I-it's on me right now?" You asked, he nods. "Not so bad is it?" He said giving you a soft smile, "There's one on you too!" You said pointing to his shoulder.

"Oh yea.." You both watched as the two butterflies leave landing on a flower together.

"Are you still scared of butterflies now?" He asks, "I guess not, thank you." You both continue around the butterfly museum. While walking you realize you've been holding onto his arm the whole time.

"O-oh sorry." You said letting go of his arm, "It's okay...I don't mind.." He mumbles on the last part. "What was that?" You ask, "O-oh nothing!"

"Let's go in there!" You said pointing to the gift shop.

You catch him looking at the keychains, "Let's get matching keychains." You said picking your letter. "O-oh okay." He grabs the letter "Y" and you both head over to the register.

"You didn't have to pay.." He said, "You paid for the tickets so it's the least I could do." You say causing him to blush a bit.

"I had a fun time today! Let's hang out more often." You said standing on your porch.

"I-I did too..and I agree."

"See you Monday Yamaguchi." You waved goodbye then entered your house.

"You too Y/n.."

"So why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend?" Your mom asks as you took off your shoes. "He's not my boyfriend mom."

"But you want him to be..don't ya?" You stop in your tracks, Do I..? "Whatever." You said before walking up to your room.

"You didn't deny it!" Your mom yelled.

The truth was...you wanted to get to know him. Something about him made you want to get closer. But nothing was happening, you guys barely spoke in class and volleyball practice.

You thought about asking his friend, Tsukishima for help but he seems like the guy who would make you do it yourself.

You laid there in bed over-thinking everything as always. You sigh and shook off the thought and went to sleep.

Author's note~
I'm having a writer's block at the moment. I'm sorry if the story ends up being pretty short. See you in the next chapter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now