"I'm wishing"

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"We got the paint and cardboard!" Noya and Tanaka says coming in, "Ah perfect! Just set them here, we'll probably have to watch the movie again." Suga says setting up his IPad.

"We should do this after school too, what do you guys say?" Daichi asks, you all nodded and went back to work.

"So many lines..." You mumbled to yourself while flipping through the pages, "We have the first scene together, near the well." Yamaguchi says sitting down next to you.

"Oh right! Let's begin then." You said facing to him.

"Okay! My place if you want to work on props and Daichi place if you want to work on your lines!" Suga says raising his hand.

You, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Ennoshita and Asahi went over to Suga while the rest when to Daichi. "Follow me then! We'll see you guys tomorrow." Suga says waving to the others.

"I finished the well and steps." You said handing the painted cardboard cut out to Suga, "They look amazing! Thank you!" He went and left them in the hall to dry.

"You're quite quick with this Y/n.." Ennoshita says painting the "mirror". "I mean I love painting so it's pretty easy for me." You said wiping your hand on the dirty rag.

"Y/n, wanna come with me to the store for the costumes?" Asahi asks, you nodded and put on your hoodie then left.

"Okay so, I don't plan on making all of the costumes unless they need to be fixed." Asahi says looking at the list, "Are you planning to make the Evil Queen's dress?" You ask taking a cart.

"Yea..I've been trying to sew and I think I'm ready!" He says looking at his sketch.

"Hey Asahi, I'll go see if there's any cheap T-shirts for the dwarfs." He nodded and you left to the clothing section.

The budget of the play was $200, not much but with your paint collection and Coach Ukai's boxes it was able to work out.

"Asahi, I found these!" You held up a few T-shirts, "How much?" He asks turning around with a fabric in his hand. "$5 each, too much?" You answered, he stood there thinking for a few minutes "Well we have coupons so I think it'll be fine." You nodded then went back to pick out more colors of the shirts.

"We're back!" You yell taking off your shoes, "Ah let me help you with the bags!" Suga says rushing towards you both.

"Thanks! So what have you guys done so far?" You said following behind him, "Well we got the forest and first scene done!" He opened the door revealing everyone painting.

"Woah..you guys got so much done!" You said looking at the cardboard cutouts, "We need something for the animals.." Suga says scratching his head.

"I have some stuff animals! But we'll need to attach strings to them." You said looking at the strings on the ground, "Good idea and I could have the girl volleyball team help dress as the animals!" Suga says grabbing the string. "Think you could do it when you get home?" He handed you the strings and you nodded.

"I hate this..." Tsukishima groans painting the "tree", "Yea but it's for the elementary kids!" Yamaguchi says accidentally getting paint on him.

"Oi! You got paint on me!" Tsukishima says grabbing a rag, "Gomen Tsukki!" Yamaguchi says trying to clean it up.

As you were trying to tie strings to the stuff animals, your phone suddenly buzzed.

"Oh hey Yamaguchi!" You waved at the phone, "Hey Y/n! Wanna practice our lines? We have a song to practice..." You widen your eyes at the phone.

"N-no we don't..?" You rushed over to the script and flipped through the pages.

"Oh my god...we do..." You looked back at your phone, "Yea..I'm not that much of a great singer.." He says chuckling. "I'm not either..but we can practice our lines while I finish these up!" You said holding up a stuff animal. He nodded and began.

"You don't have much lines.." You said flipping to the end of the script, "Well I'm only shown in the first scene and the end.." He chuckles.

"Lucky...I haven't even gotten my costumes ready.." You turn to the two dresses, they matched the movie but it wasn't detailed enough.

"Hey, wanna go shopping with me tomorrow?" You ask turning back to the phone, "Sure, but we won't have much time since you'll have to go with Daichi and I have to go with Suga." You nodded and continued practicing your lines.
(Next day after school)

"Well I'll only be in two dresses, one in the first scene then the rest is the yellow one." You said going through the clothing rack.

"It'll be hard changing quick huh?" Yamaguchi says following you, "Yea..I'll probably have the girls help me, how's this?" You ask holding up a silky yellow skirt.

"Perfect." He gave you a small smile causing you to blush a little.

"Now for the top.." You said continuing to look around.

"This is nice, but you'll probably have to add some extra details." He said holding up a nice blue shirt. "It's perfect! Wow you sure know how to shop." You giggled than went to pay.

After shopping, Yamaguchi dropped you off at Daichi's house and made his way to Suga's

Author's note~

I'm still trying to think of an ending for this story but we still have some chapters left! See you in the next one!

(Btw the chapter name is actually the song Snow White and the Prince sang)


"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now