"Truth or dare"

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Minutes later the rest of the team showed up, (even Kiyoko) of course they wanted to join in on the face mask so you had to do their hair expect for Tanaka who was disappointed.

But after everyone's had dried...it was a pain to get off.


"Ahhh.. this hurts.." Sugawara groans, "I shouldn't have even come here." Tsukishima says not even bothering trying to take it off.

A loud rip was heard and everyone turned to Nishinoya's pink face, "I DID IT!!" He yells. "I WILL NOT BEAT NOYA!" Tanaka yells ripping his off as well.

Luckily, Yamaguchi had applied a thin layer so it didn't hurt as much. You sighed after finally getting it off. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! HELP US!!" Hinata yells, "Alright alright." You said scooting over.

After helping Hinata and Kageyama you went over to help Yamaguchi. "Hopefully this doesn't rip off your freckles as well." You joked, "Y-yea.." The face mask slowly came off, "Finally!" You cheered.

Now the last person was..Tsukishima..

"Don't touch my face." He said once you made eye contact with him. "You plan on sleeping with it on?" You said scooting over, "Whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

As you were taking off his mask, in the corner of your eyes you noticed something.

It was Yamaguchi.

He looked a bit sad.

After successfully peeling off Tsukishima's mask, you scoot back over the Yamaguchi's side.

"Alright! Let's play truth or dare.." Tanaka says with a smirk. "Tanaka you better not make us do weird things.." Daichi says, "I won't~" Tanaka says turning to Hinata.

"Truth or dare?" He asks, "Hm..Dare!" Hinata answers. "I dare you to eat a spoonful of this!" Tanaka says pulling out a bottle of hot sauce, "Why do you even have that..?" Sugawara asks.

"You never know when you might need it!" Tanaka answer. Hinata took a spoonful of the hot sauce and quickly spat it out.

After Kageyama had to get hit with a volley ball, Sugawara having to get hit with a shoe it was finally your turn.

"Y/n truth or dare?" Sugawara asks, after seeing all of the dares you chose truth. "Is it true you like someone?" He asks smirking.

You felt your face get red as everyone looked at you, "Well..m-maybe.." You said, everyone went "ooooo~" .

"Who is it? Is he on our team? Is he in this room?" Tanaka asks, "Um..it's her turn." Daichi says. "Nishinoya, truth or dare?" You ask, "Dare!"

"I dare you to...bark at Hinata's dog!" You said, "Alright!" He went and you could hear him barking at the dog. Later he ran back to the room since the dog was growling at him.

"Anyways..hm..Yamaguchi! Truth or dare?" Noya asks, "Uh..truth?" You could tell he was nervous since...it was Nishinoya.

"Um..I don't know what to ask..uh.." The room grew a bit silent, Tanaka leaned over to Nishinoya whispering something in his ear. A grin came over Nishinoya's face, "Uh oh." Asahi said.

"Is it true...you've been in a relationship?"

Yamaguchi turns over to Tsukishima, "You don't have to answer that." Sugawara says.

"I-it's fine...yes..yes I have.." Yamaguchi says, everyone looked a bit shocked. "You? As in Yamaguchi Tadashi?" Tanaka teased, "Tanaka! Shut up!" Daichi yelled.

"I-it's all right Daichi.." Yamaguchi reassured him, "Well it's 2 am, we should go to sleep." Sugawara says looking at the clock.

After a few minutes of Suga and Daichi yelling at Noya, Tanaka and Hinata. Everyone was able to sleep.

Author's note~
Sorry this chapter took a while to get out. See you in the next chapter!


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