"New first years"

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"Hinata...just imagine me as Cinderella and the stepsisters are, Tsukishima and Kageyama." You explained pointing to the passage. "Oh okay! That'll make way more sense!" Hinata says continuing to read.
(First day of summer camp)

"Great...we helped them study but yet..they failed the exam.." You said sitting down next to Yamaguchi, "Well it was only one...and Tanaka's sister should be coming to their rescue." You nod and laid your head back on the seat.

You jumped at the feeling of someone grabbing your hand, looking down Yamaguchi held you hand while putting in one of his earbuds. You chuckled as he added the other earbud in your ear.

You relaxed to the music and fell asleep as the bus started moving.
(At night)

After helping the managers prepare dinner you decided to go see how the team was doing.

"Oh hey Y/n!" Daichi said waving to you, "Hey Daichi, how's everything going?" You asked picking up a ball. "Good, Yamaguchi has been working hard on his serves." You looked to where Daichi was pointing.

Yamaguchi served the ball, gladly it went over the net but it was coming at you.

"Eep!" You quickly received the ball which ending up hitting Asahi's head. "Sorry Asahi!" You yelled as he rubbed his head, he gave you a thumbs up and smiled.

"Y/n! I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come at you!" Yamaguchi said rushing towards you, "No worries, it was a really good serve though!" You said looking at the light pink mark on your arm.

"Oh! Dinner is ready by the way, make your way to the cafeteria before 10." You said then waving to the team and walking out.

"Room 4...room 4...room 4.." You muttered to yourself looking at the numbers on the doors. "Oh here it is." You opened the door revealing the captain of Nekoma and a setter from Fukurōdani.

"O-Oh..um..hey.." You said walking in and setting your bag down. "Aren't you one of the managers from Karasuno?" The captain asks, you nod "I'm Y/n, first year." You answered.

"This is Akaashi, and I'm Kuroo. Everyone else is coming soon." You waved at Akaashi, he was quiet and just waved back. "Nice to meet you guys, who else is coming?" You ask sitting down. "Well..Lev...Sugawara..Konoha and Tsukishima." He responds, "Ah alright." You pulled out your phone and texted Yamaguchi.

Who's in your room Yamaguchi?

Well right now..Hinata, Bokuto, Daichi, Washio, Kenma and Asahi. You?

Lev, Kuroo, Akaashi, Sugawara, Tsukishima and Konoha. I'll probably only be talking to Sugawara to be honest...

I wish you or Tsukki were in my room, I don't have anyone to talk to besides Hinata..

Well we'll see each other in the morning so no worries!

Yea...Daichi is yelling at us now, goodnight!


Right when you finished texting Yamaguchi the door slid open revealing Sugawara and Tsukishima. "Oh Y/n! You're here too!" Suga says sitting down next to you, "Yep, glad to see a familiar face." He smiles at you and unpacks his bag.
(Barbecue day)

"Anyone up for watermelon?" You asked walking over to Kenma, Hinata and Lev.

"Yes please!!" Hinata and Lev said grabbing 3/4 of the watermelon slices, "Uh..well then..Kenma do you want some?" You ask turning to him. "Okay." He grabbed a slice and they went back to talking.

"Gomen Yamaguchi" (Yamaguchi x reader) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now