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(Day before Inter-High Tournament)

"Kiyoko...are you sure you wanna do this..?" You ask standing in front of the gym door, "If it'll bring there spirits up..t-then yes.." She says before sliding the door a little and signing Sensei.

"Oh! Okay everyone! Come here and close your eyes!" Takeda Sensei says having everyone line up and closing their eyes. "Keep your eyes closed!" He turns to the both of you signing to come in.

"What's going on..?" Daichi asks while keeping his eyes closed, they all shrugged their shoulders.

You and Kiyoko went over and stood in front of them in a line.

"Open your eyes!" Takeda Sensei says, they open their eyes and jaws dropped.

You both lifted up a leg and held out one of your pom poms. (A/n: the iconic sugawara pose if you didn't know)


"Go Karasuno!"

You felt your face get red as the boys looked at you and Kiyoko's cheer outfit that the principal had ordered.

"K-KIYOKO? IS THAT REALLY YOU?" Tanaka and Nishinoya yelled with their nose bleeding. She then threw a pom at their faces causing them to cry not of pain, but of happiness.

"Yamaguchi! Are you okay?!" You turned to see Yamaguchi passed out on Tsukishima.

"H-huh? O-Oh yea..what happened?" He said after a few slaps from Tsukishima.

He looked back at you and grew bloody red, "Yamaguchi..you're practically drooling.." Tsukishima says helping him back up on his feet.

"G-Gomen...y-you l-look g-good Y/n.." Yamaguchi says before having a nose bleed.

"This definitely got them pumped up.." You said turning to Kiyoko, she nods as the boys cried of happiness.

The skirt wasn't long nor short. Even though it had shorts inside it was still embarrassing to wear.

You went over and handed Yamaguchi a tissue, his face was so warm to the point where you could feel the heat. "T-Thanks.." He quickly grabbed the tissue and looked the other way, "I-I'll go change now..." You said then walking back to the girl's club room with Kiyoko.
Yamaguchi's POV~

"You're so lucky Yamaguchi...I wish I had a girlfriend to cheer me on..IN A CHEER OUTFIT TOO!!" Tanaka yelled hitting my back.

"I wonder what went through your mind when you saw her~" Tsukki says smirking at me, "N-Nothing! I was just s-surprised.." I said wiping the blood. "Sure." He says before walking away.

I need to calm myself down..it's just a skirt..just like the school uniforms...I think to myself trying to calm down.
(Interhigh Tournament)

You decided to sit next to Kiyoko since you still felt a little embarrassed from yesterday.

As you and Kiyoko walked into the lobby all eyes went on you both. Mostly Kiyoko but you were called as "cute" while Kiyoko was "hot".

Suddenly you felt a hand grab yours, you looked to see Yamaguchi holding your hand. "T-To let them know you're m-mine.." He says blushing, you chuckled and tighten your grip.

OH...MY...GOD....Your eyes widens once Yamaguchi walks out in his jersey.

"You okay Y/n? Y-You look pale.." He asks coming up to you, a blush came over your face as you were trying to break out of thought.

"Y-Yea! Um..h-how do y-you f-feel?" You ask hiding your blush, "A bit nervous..but I'll be on the sides so.." You nod and continue calming yourself down.

"I-I'll be watching y-you guys..good luck!" You waved then making your way up to the seats.

As you were watching them warm up a familiar voice was coming your way.

"Yahoo~ Chibi-Chan and Tobio-Chan!"

You turned to see Oikawa and his teammates. Hoping he didn't noticed you, you turned back and met eyes when Yamaguchi. You giggled then gave him a thumbs up, he smiled at you while blushing.

"Cheering for number 12?" Oikawa asks not taking eyes off of the court. "Yea. His name is Tadashi Yamaguchi." You answered, "His height is amazing, too bad his skills aren't." You quickly turned to Oikawa and scoffed.

"How do you know? You've never even seen him play, just because he's on the sides doesn't mean he's bad." You felt anger rise up but had to control it since you didn't want to make a scene. "True true, no need to get defensive." He says with a small smirk, you rolled your eyes and went back to them warming up.

"You guys did it!" You yelled running into the court, "Thanks Y/n, we're taking a break before our match against Date Tech. Join us?" Sugawara asks. You nod and followed behind the rest.

"You should tie up your hair more often.." You said turning over to Yamaguchi, "Is my hair really that long..?" He asks touching his hair.

"Not really but a ponytail would suit you." You giggled then continued walking.

"Yamaguchi..you shouldn't be walking me home..you have to get some rest for tomorrow...." You said as he was walking besides you, "I-I will! It's just t-that..I d-don't want you getting h-hurt.." He says playing with his hands again.

"Thank you, I lo-" You stopped yourself,

Love..? Isn't too early to say that..?

"What was it Y/n?" He asks breaking you out of your thought, "O-Oh um...Thank you, and I'm thankful to have you by my side!" You said forcing a smile. "O-Of course! S-so am I.." He smiles and continues to walk.
Author's note~
Okay so I know DAMN well Oikawa wouldn't like...say that. But like...I wanted to show everyone that Y/n is a baddieeee. Anyways I don't know when Inter-high tournament is actually dated, so just BARE WITH ME.. also see you in the next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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