"Reunion Day"

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"Hikari, wanna come to our team reunion?" You ask knocking on her door.

"Where and when?" She asks opening the door, "Tomorrow at the beach, other kids will be there as well." You said placing the laundry in her room.

"Really? Sure!" She says walking over to her closet, "Maybe I can find out more about you and Dad in high school!" She says holding up the picture of Yamaguchi "pinning" you to the wall.

"Not that picture.." You groaned, "It's cute!" She says closing the memory box. You smiled and helped her pick out a bathing suit.
(Reunion Day)

"Yamaguchi! Y/n! Haven't seen you in ages!" Tanaka yells running towards you both, "Tanaka!! Nice to see you!" You said giving him a hug.

"Everyone is over here! Come, come!" He says leading the way.

"This is your daughter? Looks a lot like Y/n.." Sugawara says waving to her, "I'm Hikari Yamaguchi!" She held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, my daughter is over there. Her name is Rin." He says pointing to the girl with brown hair.

"You guys are still together throughout high school? Amazing..." Daichi says looking at your ring, "Yea..Asahi actually made my wedding dress, it was beautiful." You said turning to Asahi.

"Thank you Y/n!" He says giving a thumbs up.

"Tsukishima!! Are you still salty as always?"Tanaka asks coming up to him, "Well I'm a dad now..so..not really.." He says fixing his glasses.

"Oh yea, you have a son right? Where is he?" You ask looking around, "Ryuji! Come over here, some people wanna meet you." He yells calling over a boy with blonde hair.

"Eh? Oh..Nice to meet you." The boy says, "He's exactly like you.." Yamaguchi says looking back at Tsukishima. "What? No." Tsukishima says looking away.

"Well nice to meet you Ryuji, you should go hang out with the other kids. Hikari would love to meet you." You said pointing to the group of kids. He shrugs his shoulders and walked over.

"Y/n!!! I haven't seen you in forever!!" You turn to see Nishinoya running towards you, "Noya!! Hey!" You said giving him a hug.

"Looks like your daughter and mines are getting along." He says looking over at Hikari and a girl with red hair. "Hikari is a very social person, I don't really know how." Yamaguchi says chuckling.

"Y/n, nice to see you." Kiyoko says walking toward you, "Kiyoko! You too!" You said walking over to her.

"Let's see if you guys can still play." Daichi says holding up a volley ball, everyone smirked and got into teams.

"Y/n, be our Libero?" Kageyama asks coming up to you, "Sure!" You said tying your hair up.

While playing the kids cheered for their parents of course, everyone was still in great shape. You were able to receive most of the balls which saved your team lots.

"We did it!" You yelled with your side winning.

"Mom..you know how to play?" Hikari asks handing you a water bottle, "I was manager of the team Hikari...I watched them play for three years." You said chuckling.

"Manager?! Is that how you and dad got together??" She asks looking to Yamaguchi then back to you, "Yep! And I'll tell you all about it." Sugawara says coming up from behind. "Oh god..please don't." You said hiding your face, "Tsukishima! Would you like to help me embarrass these two?" Sugawara yells.

"Definitely." Tsukishima says walking over, you groaned as they started from the very beginning.

"Mom..that was the most basic Wattpad story thing I ever heard.." She says after the two finished telling the love story.

"So embarrassing.." Yamaguchi says hiding his face in his hands. "Well we're here now aren't we? Let's go do something else besides embarrass people." You said standing up and walking towards Kiyoko. As Sugawara and Tsukishima bursts out laughing.
Author's note~


Tsukishima's- Ryuji (Boy)
Sugawara's- Rin (Girl)
Daichi's- Kou (Boy)
Asahi's- didn't have kids 0-0
Nishinoya's- Maria (Girl)
Tanaka's- Fuji (Boy)
Hinata- didn't have kids .-.
Kageyama- Haruto (Boy)

Well...See you in the final chapter! :')


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